the mutant language

I am sorry to ask a stupid question, but can anyone tell me what the mutants, especially Rob and Don are saying....I kinda get it. For instance, slicer/dicer is good; spud is bad. But I would just like some of the terms defined.



I've read elsewhere on the net that "I don't shiv" means I don't shiver (from fear). In other words, "I'm not afraid", which makes sense.

I'm don't know what "billy" means. Hopefully someone will post the answer here.


I got the hang of "spud" meaning something like "bud/guy". That is all I could pick up, haha. I felt like you. I quite enjoyed the little idiosyncrasies.

"Stick with me, Gordie. Stick with me, man."
"I'm right here."
-Stand By Me


in the comic, there is a part where 86 or 87 mutants are in jail
they are planning to break out by everyone pushing on the bars

they say spuds in front

i assume spud is a low ranking mutant?


Early in Part 2, ex-Mutant Don, now a Bruno, says that the Joker is "King of the Billy". That line, not in the book, seems to confirm what the book hinted at - that "billy" is a synonym for "crazy".

However, at one point in the book, Carrie tells the Batcopter's autopilot to "billy in close". The movie shortens this to just "billy close". So maybe that is consistent after all. Maybe Carrie means, dangerously close, so close it's "crazy".


she says billy berserker at one time which also confirms that


she says billy berserker at one time which also confirms that - dhunter333

Yeah, it wasn't completely clear in the book, but the movie pretty much spells it out that "billy" = "crazy".


Seemed like it was inspired by A Clockwork Orange.
