excited for the cinema release

i was actually going to post on here to see who would be interested in the idea of them doing a short theatrical run like they did with mask of the phantasm but it looks like they already have plans for a sept 12 release.

i for one think it's cool even tho it won't happen in australia if it works then maybe when part 2 happens they will do it here 2.


Do you mean the banner at the top of the main entry?

Coming Soon
In theaters October 23.
Forget it. Those have been showing up with all of the entries for direct-to-video movie projects. IMDb needs to make them just go away.

"I will not hesitate to kill you, Dwarf!" - Legolas to Thorin Oakenshield


Well, to answer your question: Yes, I'd be very interested in seeing it in the Theater. But I don't think it'll happen.


Yes, I would love it. I was so excited when I saw that, but then remembered as the 2nd poster pointed out that many DTV pages erroneously contain this. I missed Mask of the Phantasm, so I'd love to see this on the big screen. Since TDKR was a disappointment, I'd be very pleased with this.

Am I unreal? Am I a character who can’t possibly exist? – Alissa Rosenbaum


ur lying about tdkr being a dissapointment for u...How was it a dissapointment?! ur a *beep* clown who just wants to start trouble.


wow butt hurt much? It is my opinion *beep* an opinion cannot be wrong.


I don't care about a theatrical release. I'd rather just buy the Blu ray and watch it at home, with my new tv, that's sort of my attitude towards all movies.

Now you don't talk so loud. Now you don't seem so proud.


sorry no i misread the listing. At the time there were 2 different release dates i thought was for a short run in cinemas before hitting dvd but it was actually the australian release date is ahead of the america one. we get it on the 12th you get it according to imdb "it could have changed" on the 25th.

don't blame you wanting to just watch it at home you don't have to deal with jackasses on there phones or people talking but it's the sort of film that deserves to have a short run in cinemas.


I saw Mask of the Phantasm in the theatre. It was awesome. I wish there was IMAX back then for better sound and such. I wish some of the lastest DC movies released in theatres. Especially this one. Well I hope it get shown in my area. I'm buying it on bluray of course. Most of these animated movies I enjoy watching several times. Especially back to back.


Flash: Hey, this is like the Jedi mind trick!


Even though I own this on bluray, I will still see it in the theatre.
Definitely want to see this on the big screen with other fans of this EPIC movie!

Do not expect any further statments.
The Sons of Batman do not make speeches.


I'd totally pay to see this in theaters. Was lucky enough to see Mask of the Phantasm in theaters when I was a boy and would love the opportunity to see DKR 1 and 2.
