Part 2 is fantastic!

you can watch it digitally via for $15 right now
bit steep but fantastic!


you can stream for free on thats what im doing right now and let me tell you .It kicks ass !!!! nolan eat your heart out these animated movies do the batman story so much more justice.To any true batman fan for sure go check out part two you wont be disappointed. Part one was incredible this one was just as incredible .I'd so both were on equal levels with each other two was just as good as one and vice versa .

"Movie directing is the perfect refuge for the mediocre"



You bet your ass its nothing short of a masterpeice .If they decide to pick up nolans story.That's where they should pick it up at in the animation world.I've yet to see mainstream do anime like this for a superhero movie.I think they would double if not triple the money they made off this series .

"If you want art, don't mess about with
movies. Buy a Picasso"

