This was more satisfying than 'Rises.'

I don’t think “The Dark Knight Returns” is a better movie than “The Dark Knight Rises,” but I sure did enjoy it more.” Even though I liked “Rises,” I wasn’t totally satisfied. There were some plot holes that bugged me and some character choices that seemed to negate what the first two Nolan Batmans had established. This paragraph isn’t fair to “The Dark Knight Rises.” I’m just comparing bat-shaped organizes to bat-shaped apples. You were a fine film, “Rises.”

Full Review:


I agree. I watched this...again than went out with friends to see DKR for a 5th time. I came away for that really enjoying this more. I guess for me, the music for this was WAY better. The score playing when Batman is fighting the Mutant Leader (the first time) was EPIC. I own all of the DC animated movies except Frontier...and this movie's score is way better than the rest. Well, major props to the for the 70's style music for the Spectre
Can't wait for Part 2!


You don't get it, son.
This isn't a mudhole.
This is an operating table and I'm the surgeon.


Oh yeah, that DC shorts thing with Specter and Shazaam was pretty good. It's a shame they're shutting down their animation department. They were really hitting their stride with Year One, Red Hood, and The Dark Knight Returns. I was hoping for an Arkham Asylum movie and maybe a cross over into Vertigo for an Alan Moore Swamp thing, American Vampire, or SandMan project.


I guess I'm the only one who has the balls to call The Dark Knight Returns BETTER than Dark Knight Rises by many heads and tails. Yes, the music by Christopher Drake is a part of it. It's epic and exciting and makes a big story even bigger. Hans Zimmer's tired score just made a jumbled, unfocused mess of a story even more boring than it already was. There was nothing about Rises that satisfied. It failed as a Batman movie and even more it failed as a good movie. Returns was epic, exciting and emotional and left me wanting Part II NOW. All Rises left me wanting was my 10 bucks and three hours of my life back.


Your guess would be wrong son. Your first mistake was implying that typing an opinion about a movie on the internet requires courage, or "balls". The only requirements are are computer, and a firm commitment to wasting your spare time on pointless activities. You also got all delusional on us by claiming to be the only person in the world to have posted an opinion, that when put into a Google search, returns 20,600,000 results. Then you finished with a childish self entitled tantrum, basically telling us that your choices in life sometimes make you sad. How exciting... Why are you sharing this with the world? Do you want a lolly pop and a hug?

I fear you may have been trying to sound cool and superior, but you ended up coming across as mentally ill. Kids these days...


I think someone may have pooped in meshuggahner's coffee....

But yes, Dark Knight Returns is a more satisfying film than Dark Knight Rises (and will be even more so once we see the second half). Rises was enjoyable, but dumb as a sack of potatoes, and a big drop of quality from the previous films in the trilogy. The villains lacked personality, the storyline went from meandering to jaw-droppingly stupid, the plot holes (yes, there are many) are gaping, and the editing is so sloppy that there is a Miranda Tate scene in the end that's put in the film out of farkin' order. It boggles the mind.

Returns, though, was absolutely brilliant (although I disagree Drake's score is better -- both served their filmes excellently, I think).


Yea the one standout for me from Rises was the musical score.

However with expectations and reviews I went in to Rises expectation nothing but perfection especially after the first 2 which I thought were amazing and I came out feeling shameful and just wrong cause I was so sure I was going to like it, but I didnt. In fact the more time goes on the more I dont like Rises for the reasons every1 else mentions.

Saying that I am not going to over inflate Returns but it was a very decent watch and I am looking forward to part 2.


I watched both of them for the first time this week. I definitely liked Returns more. The more I think about Rises the less I like it -- too many things seemed silly, Batman's and Bane's voices were distracting, and as is becoming a pattern with Nolan the whole movie felt overstuffed and drowned out by its thudding score. It wasn't bad, and did have a satisfying ending, but it was a definite step down from the previous two in the trilogy. As soon as I finished Returns I was itching for more. I think Batman and other superhero characters just generally work better in animation.
