Will they have the fight with Superman?

Will it be in the next movie?


Nevermind saw trailer for part 2 and cant *beep* wait!


"I want you to remember, Clark... in all the years to come... in your most private moments... I want you to remember my hand... at your throat... I want you to remember...
The one man who beat you"

I really hope we get that line, too

I got your restraining order right here, RESTRAIN THIS!


I also hope they keep the scene where Superman stops the nuclear bomb from hitting Gotham, and almost dies.

that scene is pretty cool in comic form, I wonder how they will do it animated.


The bomb isn't being dropped on Gotham City. In the book, the nuclear missile was aimed at the island of Corto Maltese. However, it was designed to release a huge electromagnetic pulse.

"Loyalty. Honor. A willing heart. I can ask no more than that." - Thorin Oakenshield
