DC Comics Animated Movies for 2013

1. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 (Early 2013)

2. Lego Batman: DC Heroes Unite (Spring 2013; based on the Lego Batman video games)

3. Superman: Unbound (Summer 2013; adapting Geoff Johns' "Superman: Brainiac" story originally printed in Action Comics)

4. Justice League: Flashpoint (Fall 2013; "adapting the controversial DC Comics mini-series Flashpoint which launched the current The New 52 continuity for the publisher.")

Of course, Lego Batman is not officially, part of the DC Universe Animated Original Movie series.

Link: http://www.worldsfinestonline.com/2012/10/13/warner-home-video-announc es-superman-unbound-and-justice-league-flashpoint-for-dc-animated-univ erse-original-movie-2013-slate/

"Loyalty. Honor. A willing heart. I can ask no more than that." - Thorin Oakenshield


can't wait!

An alcoholic is someone you don't like who drinks as much as you do.
