Too short?

I personally think they could've got away with adapting the whole story in one movie. This movie was only about 76 minutes, if they doubled the time the movie would be about 2 and a half hours long. True this would be long for an animated movie. But look at the target audience. I wouldn't exactly call this for kids. The only connection I see of it being for kids is that it's animated and it's batman. The people that are familiar with the story and that were looking forward to it were probably people like me, someone who read the graphic novel. I would sit through a 2 and a half movie of this. Part 1 was great, it was like watching the pages come to life on screen. I did think they ended it in a good spot though. thoughts.


I think animated WB / DC films have a limited time length

I got your restraining order right here, RESTRAIN THIS!




So hence why its in 2 parts, unless you want some crammed in sh-t version


Understand it, mmkay son

I got your restraining order right here, RESTRAIN THIS!


uh, i wasn't being sarcastic. The second half is shorter than the first so I don't see why it would be crammed *beep* if they just made it like 2.5 hours long. Don't need to get so mad chum.


First you ask if Part 1 is too short. Then you think the whole story could be condensed into one movie. Make up your mind.

"The second half is shorter than the first..."

No. It's not. Part 1 stops almost exactly at the half-way point, adapting Books One & Two of the graphic novel and leaving Books Three & Four for Part 2.

"Loyalty. Honor. A willing heart. I can ask no more than that." - Thorin Oakenshield


Are you stupid. Codensing it into one movie would make the movie longer, therefore it would stop being short. Wow you're a *beep* tard.


"Are you stupid. Condensing it into one movie would make the movie longer,
therefore it would stop being short. Wow you're a *beep* tard."

On the contrary, the only way this would have been condensed into a single film would be if the story was squeezed into a 70-minute feature. That is all that the (approximately) $3.5 million budget for these films would allow. The only way to avoid butchering the original material was to split the graphic novel in half and adapt it in two parts. Warner Premiere was not about to double the budget for an extra-long adaptation. I'm sorry if you failed to understand this, but that doesn't make me the 'tard.

"Loyalty. Honor. A willing heart. I can ask no more than that." - Thorin Oakenshield


Wow, you're a *beep* It was hypothetical. They obviously can't condense a direct to video animation into 2 and a half hours. Besides, making 2 movies would probably cost the same if not more than making one long movie. Get you head out of your ass and go back to the toll booth.


You think that you are such a tough little guy. Not impressed, fella. And not interested in a flame war. Bye!

"Loyalty. Honor. A willing heart. I can ask no more than that." - Thorin Oakenshield


I'm not here to impress you princess. Little tough guy would be correct though.
In fact Cute little tough guy will do. You clearly have proven you are stupid and don't know what you were talking about so It's probably good for everyone that you leave.


Oh, I think I showed that I do know what I'm talking about. But, feel free to ignore it anyway. That's your prerogative.

Cute, little tough guy who I admire: Harlan Ellison.

Cute, little tough guy who I don't give two craps about: You.

Now, I really do have better things to do.

"Loyalty. Honor. A willing heart. I can ask no more than that." - Thorin Oakenshield


Clearly, someone who says goodbye then comes back to respond to someone online who makes them feel bad has nothing better to do. You're just another stupid *beep* imdb poster. I remember why I left this site. Oh and
"Cute, little tough guy who I admire: Harlan Ellison.

Cute, little tough guy who I don't give two craps about: You." ....WTF

Now, I truly have better things to do than argue on a freakin batman board. lol tard.


You start insulting and name-calling other posters for no good reason and you get what you deserve. 'Nuff said.

"Loyalty. Honor. A willing heart. I can ask no more than that." - Thorin Oakenshield


Wow, you're really childish. I must've really hurt your feelings. Karma my ass. Awwww, because hurt some internet losers feelings I will struck by a bolt of lightning. Yah, ok my friend, karma, sure pal.


Here's the deal: the way these features are made, there's a specific budget for a single release.

In order to treat this properly, they needed to split it in two: instead of trying to use a single-release budget to make a double-length film, they've decided to make two movies to tell the big story.

Yes, we end up paying ~$30 for the whole story, but I'd rather do that and get 2.5 hours of top-quality material than pay $15 for a full-length story that comes up short.

I mean, could they have afforded all three of Weller, Michael Emerson and Mark Valley on a single-film budget?

Odin named his super-weapon "The Destroyer" because "Phil Coulson" was taken.


It's too bad that the extras are on the blue-ray and not on the dvd
