More relevant than ever - SPOILERS

It's remarkable how what was sheer cynical satire in the 80s now seems so very realistic. No wonder younger viewers are confused.
For instance, the mayor negotiating with a captured terrorist... getting himself killed, and the new mayor again open to negotiations. Back then, it was pure parody. These days, it's the Obama administration.


surely you can, since it is so relevant and all, point to a similar story right?


Did you not read my post, genius?
Or do you need me to actually point out the middle east situation and the administrations continuing to pander to the rioters?


Are you referring to the local U.S. mission in Cairo's statement that they "condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions", which was made before the embassy attacks? Or Obama's statement after the attacks, that "While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants?"

Because somehow I fail to see how either is similar to "negotiating with a captured terrorist... getting himself killed, and the new mayor again open to negotiations".


You sound like a teabagger.


lol, sounds like the OP made the same mistake Romney did.


Yup. Your momma likes it when I do that.


OMG, are you five? That comeback doesn't even make sense. It's okay though, you're embarrassed and tried to hide it.


This movie could seriously be considered right wing propaganda, personally I am ok with that.

I think far more people are right or slightly right of center then they themselves realize.

Think back to Watchmen what character did we all root for Rorschach, can't get much more scary right wing then that.

The country U.S. is broke, and there seem to be two trains of thought to fix it.

Democrat - Change the U.S. radically to more resemble European nations

Republican - Restore the U.S. to its former glory.

Personally to give an analogy, if I had a 1972 Corvette Sting Ray, I wouldn't want to change it, I would want to restore it.

I feel the same way about my country.


I'm not going to bother commenting on your political views Judas, since right wing people usually lack the rationale to be worth arguing with.

Anyways, people don't necessarily like Rorschach for his political values. None of the friends cited that as a reason for liking him. It was just how badass he was basically, the most entertaining character on screen and how he was unwavering in his moral convictions as demonstrated by his choice near the end of the movie.


That is funny Nightcal, I find left wing people usually lack the rationale to be worth arguing with.

See what I did there = )

I don't care what the characters in the Watchmen thought of Rorschach. It was the people who watched the movie, read the book.

People will typically enjoy a character they can relate with.

And lets be honest a bleeding heart liberal doesn't make much of a hero.


"And lets be honest a bleeding heart liberal doesn't make much of a hero."

Superman? The relate argument is bs in my opinion since I can't relate to many of my favourite fictional characters e.g The Joker, Dexter, Walter White. If someone needs to have the same political views as you for you to like that character, that represents narrow-mindedness to me more than anything else.

"I find left wing people usually lack the rationale to be worth arguing with."

Touché I guess.


Sorry what?

I mean I guess you can look at it that way if you want. The mayor represents BS politics so I guess you can insert whatever politician you don't like into that role. His policies do't really represent either party.

On that note, I wonder if they're still gonna have Reagan in part 2. They kinda wimped out on a lot of the satirical themes in part 1.
