Who's voicing Superman?

Has there been any information released regarding Superman?

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They did a very beautiful job making this current and not touching very much of it... this being said I am almost certain they have cut superman form the release... do not be disappointed it is so perfect I can not explain it but my only drawback is that and the lack of internal monologues from the characters.

Maybe licencing issues with Superman? idk but would like to find out.


I will not be watching Part 2 if they don't include Superman Vs. Batman culminating with Batman's "Death". Anyways I'll take the second poster's word that Mark Valley is Superman.

This is my signature. There are many others like it but this one is mine


Nice spoiler.


Spoiler? This is a direct adaptation of a comic book from 1986 man, if you're that worried about spoilers you wouldn't be on this board. Is there a reason you're not interested in reading the comic?

Plus the fact that the topic asked about Superman suggests there wouldd be some sort of spoilers within about Superman's role in the story.

I mean I apologize if you were genuinely unaware of the fact that this is a story that's like 26 years old and most everyone on this board has read it by now but I mean I don' t think I crossed a line or anything by mentioning a big moment from the comic that better be in Part 2.

Plus there's much more to it than what I described anyways.

This is my signature. There are many others like it but this one is mine


I'm usually one to tell people to not come on the forum if they are worried about spoilers, but that's when it's in reference to the actual movie. You're talking about things that either happen in Part 2 or happens in the comic. Either way, that spoiler has nothing to do with Part 1 and really nothing to do with the thread. That's like posting Taken 2 spoilers on the Taken forum.

You made a thread asking who was voicing Superman. I actually answered that question and then you posted a spoiler for some reason. If you're going to post spoilers, at least make it clear that you're going to be posting one.

I don't read comic books btw.


Says Mark Valley will be playing the part. He'll be in Part 2.





Im really hoping the Crime Alley fight is left in, such a powerful moment

I got your restraining order right here, RESTRAIN THIS!


Jon Hamm should voice Superman


Mark Valley (Human Target) is interviewed in the "Sneak Peek" bonus featurette.

I'm trying to find out if Harlan Ellison's cameo is retained in the animated film and if he is voicing himself.

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