Almost perfect

9/10 for me.

The only thing i'm not totally sold on is the Robin character. We'll see how she fleshes out in the second movie but the rest of the movie was perfection.

I'm not a big fan of these animated films and I loved it, rivals Nolan's films.

I'm no meteorologist, but I'm pretty sure it's raining bitches.
-Cleveland Brown


I agree, and I was taken aback just by how faithful it was to the source. Including Carrie Kelly. Even the one scene they added - the scene between Batman and the general - worked perfectly.

It does indeed rival Nolan's films. It's obviously not quite up there on the same level, but it comes impressively close, considering it's an animated film.


No complaints on this film. Hope part II is as good, sure it will be. The story line of this film is superior to Nolan's last film, and heavily influenced it too. Real shame Frank Miller has lost his mind in recent years.


I was never much of a comic fan so I never read the books, is it worth picking up?

I'm no meteorologist, but I'm pretty sure it's raining bitches.
-Cleveland Brown


I agree with your thoughts on the movie...and yes, if you liked the movie you should check out the book. The best graphic novel I ever read...


I disagree TC, IT WAS PERFECT! The best DC animated movie to f------ far!!!
I loved it from beginning to end. Even the end credits' music was awesome.
I can't wait for part 2.
Can't wait to watch this again and again.

And for those of you who don't give this a 10 rating, I'll put you on my operating


But you're stay scared won't you punk!
