
part one showed promise and then part two just went downhill.
There's a story but it feels rushed and lazy.
The action sequences are senseless and depends too much on plot armor.
So much pointless slow motion, its like they want you to complain about it.
The cast is great but the characters are cringe and boring, the relationship feel forced.


all main characters in action movies are partially defined by plot armor. that criticism is cringe


"partially defined by plot armor", you have defeated yourself.


what you want to be true, and what is observed to be true, are two entirely different things

..and i'd rather not have my action movies end after the 1st action scene because the hero dies under realistic circumstances, thanks. leave the tropes to the professionals


A well written plot armor does not feel like plot armor.
fiction does not need to be realistic, it only needs to be plausible.


I see it the other way around. The first one was cheesy and boring. Not saying this was stellar, but it was better than the first one.
