MovieChat Forums > Alien: Covenant (2017) Discussion > Another spoilery bad review

Another spoilery bad review

Maybe Blomkamp's Aliens sequel will be back on the table.


I wouldn't be shocked if the whole Blomkamp thing was a studio tactic to keep Ridley focused on Alien. The scuttlebutt in Hollywood back in the early 80s was that Ridley was going to be the one to do Aliens before Blade Runner tanked. He has always been pissed that the franchise was taken from him. The studio decided to give it to an up and coming unknown (Terminator hadn't been released yet), and Ridley was furious. Fox is using Blomkamp's project as a stick to remind Ridley that it could easily happen again.


Ah yes, good old studio politics. Makes sense to me. Too bad the fans are caught in the middle of the bad marriage.


there's nothing spoilery in that review. All it says is that it's a let down.
