MovieChat Forums > A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2015) Discussion > The cat connection means much more than ...

The cat connection means much more than meets the eyes at first

I was hoping someone else would've come up with this theory but so far I don't see it on this board. Since we find out that the vampire can look through the cat's eyes at the very end we can extrapolate that she has always had that power throughout the movie, so if you then look back on what on how the movie starts it seems quite appropriate that it starts with Arash stealing the cat.

1 - Arash takes the cat to his home;
2 - the pimp steals his car;
3 - the pimp mistreats the prostitute;
4 - we see the girl watching the pimp mistreat the prostitute
5 - we see girl kill pimp, and we put it down to (4) but I think she was onto the pimp because of (2), given that she likes to dispense her own sense of justice and only suck the blood of people she thinks are in the wrong.

Interestingly this also means she might've spied on Arash's family through the cats eyes even after she offed the pimp. If her modus operandi is to stalk people - and clearly it is , whether she's out to kill or to play - then she mightve also seen the junkie dad be a deadbeat and a burden, thus gathering all the info she needs to kill him when she rushes in to find him tying up the prostitute.

And if she has been spying on Arash, that also explains the way she stares at Arash when she comes upon him in his Dracula outfit. As with the misdirection of showing the girl watch the pimp and prostitute, here the Dracula costume leads us to believe that's the reason why she's looking at Arash in that odd way. Yes, one of the reasons is that he is dressed as a vampire (a shadow version of her - she who is so enamoured of shadowing people) but I believe she's also staring at him like that because she's developed feelings for him from spying in on him. She might even have been there waiting for him, waiting to waylay him**. It's quite possible that his petty theft of those two earrings or even the briefcase from the pimp's place has made her feel that this is a kindred spirit: someone who has his own personal code of ethics while breaking the law, a bit like herself. (Both of the people whose stuff he steals are no angels.)

On second viewing, if you keep in mind that she sees through the cats eyes you can figure out a lot more about why she gets close to Arash, plus other stuff. Personally I cant rewatch movies till years later so someone else will need to tease out all the other implications.

**I'm assuming she's picked up where he will go from something he mentioned to his dad or to someone over the phone (after all he needs to network with people who want drugs) or him making that costume (how many places in Bad City can there be where people will go all dressed up like that?)


I love this.


Wait, why are you so sure she can see through the cat's eyes??


Second viewing? You sat through this shit twice?
