MovieChat Forums > Gojira -1.0 (2023) Discussion > A mine to the mouth? (spoilers)

A mine to the mouth? (spoilers)

Once he withstood that, I lost hope for everybody. Instant regeneration of that type of creature dimmed all my hope for everyone in the film. He's a Force of Nature.

I thought this was an excellent story. I know this is a Godzilla movie, but the more it went on, the more I didn't care about him in the movie. Koichi's guilt and redemption was a great story. But the scenes with Big G in them were as menacing-looking as I've ever seen regarding him. Dude seems extra angry and relentless. Him looking at the ship as he was swimming behind it was creepy as fuck.

-He looks so chunky and big. (What the hell does he eat). I liked the more streamlined look he had at the beginning of the movie when he was Godzuki-size on Odo Island. Too bad he didn't maintain that look when he was like 200ft tall.

-How does this fool stand in the water. He using his tail as a rudder or something?

-Why the robotic walk. Is this suppose to be him breaking in his first baby steps on land?

-The spines on his back spouting out seems incredibly cheesy. The style used in the recent movies looks much better. More believable.

-Noriko showing up at the end was a little much. It looked as if she was sheared down to probably skeletal remains, and yet here she is with only a bandaged head and her arm in a cast. (And maybe some there issues when you see her neck)

I like this Godzilla much better than the recent version in The Hollywood Monster Verse. Toho's version of Godzilla vs Kong would be much better than their mess.


Maybe this studio can do a solo Kong movie and then have a Godzilla vs Kong movie to complete the trilogy


Never even thought about the standing in water part.

And yes Noriko surviving in the end was daft, went full happy ending. Until the Godzilla G cells on her neck.
