MovieChat Forums > Snatched (2017) Discussion > Spy + The Heat were garbage movies

Spy + The Heat were garbage movies

Not a selling point for this turd of a movie either.


The Heat was passble but SPY was pretty good.

Whatever you are, be a good one.


Come to think of it, I never did see The Heat. But Identity theft was dreary.


You make a post titled about a "garbage" movie you haven't seen? Bye bye credibility.


The Heat was rather forgettable, but not terrible. Spy on the other hand was great


Of all the Melissa McCarthy movies, those 2 are the best.... I feel everything else she's done have been unwatchable... So yes... it IS a selling point.


You have inadvertently insulted and told the truth about Melissa McCarthy at the same time. Kudo's to you sir!


agreed... i don't find her act whatsoever funny, but in The Heat, she could lean on the charisma and back-and-forth raport with Sandra Bullock. In Spy, Rose Byrne was absolutely hilarious, and Statham added a lot too.

But if its just a McCarthy movie where she is the featured player, or her costar is Jason Bateman? Forgetta about it. That movie will suck.


Yeah those both stunk, especially the heat. It was basically unwatchable.


And Spy really was a pretty good comedy, sorry.


I'm with ya! Rose Bryne was just a foul mouth, Jason Statham kind of embarrassed himself and McCarthy was defenitley just playing the pudgy doofus in Spy! The Heat was also just Sandra Bullock playing a more pathetic variation on Gracie Hart and McCarthy was just obnoxious to the point of being unwatchable! Both of those movies I honestly couldn't watch more than once!


Agreed, I actually tolerated The Heat a little more than Spy which was total *beep* in my opinion.


Posts this stupid are the reason why IMDb are shutting down the comment section.


Same could be said about you reply...
