MovieChat Forums > Snatched (2017) Discussion > Why would anyone kidnap amy schumer???

Why would anyone kidnap amy schumer???

I just don't see the appeal, smh.


Possibly to feed their family, with her I mean.


Yeah, I don't like her, and find the idea of her being Goldie's daughter quite dubious...I might've just cast Kate Hudson and let the actual mom/daughter pair play it on-screen. :p


so that she can't make any more movies?



Because they know a white slaver who pays by the pound?

Because her body fat % and rate of vannilla ice cream consumption has the potential for an incredible perfume?

Because they don't feed them in the shipping containers and need someone who can survive for weeks off excess belly fat?

Because your wife wanted a white woman to teach the kids english but will flip out if you kidnap someone even remotely attractive?

Because a bunch of comedians payed you to keep her from stealing more of their jokes?


To get rid of her.


ransom is her weight in gold !?
we gonna be rich of this bitch !

IMDB, may you end up like "My Space"
Who ?........ Exactly !
