boycott anyone?

ever since her anti trump statements and her claims of leaving the u.s to spain and then back pedaling on her statements anyone here going to boycott her films ?

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.


Boycott trump maybe.


I already boycott anything fat Amy has to do with. I tell you what, it's easy and I'm not missing anything.


I don't have to partake in a "boycott" to not watch her movies. I got into about 40 minutes of Trainwreck when they put it on HBO (mainly because I like Bill Hader and was curios to see Lebron James' role) but that was enough for me. I watched this trailer and have absolutely zero desire for it or any of her movies probably. On the other hand I do enjoy some Mellisa McCarthy movies.


ever since her anti trump statements

Wow! You're a republic_nt and a fcking crybaby. Congrats douchebag.


Grow up. The only thing that matters less than her anti trump comments is your opinion of them.


Agreed ?


Boycotted along w Wanda Sykes who said fff you to her booing fans when she trashed trump at a show. Lib politics aren't funny anymore, the power grab was unsuccessful comrades.


Newsflash! Melissa McCarthy is just as intolerable.


Wow. Just stop.
