Flashback confusion

Did anyone else have trouble following the sequence and toggling between present and flashbacks at the beginning of
the film?



That's a good point!


I had trouble too trying to distinguish between the the flashbacks and present. An example was when it abruptly cut to the scene in the forest where Jasmine is talking to her son about college. I couldn't tell if that was in New York or San Francisco because it was out in the woods. Then there was the time where Jasmine's sister was with the man (Louis CK) and I thought, "if she's in a relationship, why is she talking to him that way? Is this a flashback?"

They really could have showed this better.


Once I finally realized that the film was jumping back and forwards in time, I was able to easily distinguish which events were past and which were present. But I must admit it was nearly half an hour into the film before I realized what was going on.
