MovieChat Forums > Leprechaun: Origins (2014) Discussion > Not as bad as some are making this out t...

Not as bad as some are making this out to be

This was not nearly as bad as some are making it out to be...
A 3.4 is really over the top which leads me to believe its getting hammered with zero's by fans of the original films..
This film was destined to be hated the minute they announced that Warwick Davis would not be a part of the film... The movie Hellraiser Revelations comes to mind in the same way that it wasnt going to get a fair shake once they didnt cast Doug Bradley as Pinhead.. Needless to say Hellraiser Revelations was by far the very worst film of the Hellraiser franchise and did in fact merit a 3-4 rating....
In my opinion anyways and its just my opinion with all respect those Leprechaun films were not very good, I get that they could be fun if your in the right mood but basically those were for the most part aside from the first film straight to VHS productions..Lets not kid ourselves and think that there tampering with Carpenters "The Thing" or "Halloween" or even "The Fog"..
I dont think Leprechaun Origins is quite that bad.. Sure it has its problems.. I'm not saying its a great film by any means but a 3.4 is pretty harsh.. I watch a lot off horror and the genre is plagued by terrible films but I cant say this was even close to being the bottom of the barrel...
I found it to be OK .. Certainly not destined to be a classic but i dont feel like i watched a film that warrants a 3.4...


No, the rating reflects how people feel not some kind of smear campaign. It wasn't just warwick davis that made the originals a cult classic, it was the campy humor mixed in with the horror, this movie had none of that. Other than the gold it had nothing to do with the originals so it is seen as just an attempt to cash in on the leprechaun name. The leprechaun isn't even a character in this, it's some random monster.

Hellraiser revelations was crap altogether, not only did it not have doug bradley, they completely miscast pinhead.

I hate a good many things, but I suffer them all the same.



I didn't give a damn about the original series. Haven't even watched them in years. The first one was a little memorable but I couldn't tell you ANYTHING about any of the sequels. I'm not sure if this film deserves a "3.4" but I gave it a "4" and thinking on it that may have been a little generous. This movie is EVERY BIT as bad as people are making it out to be. It would seem that the only person showing any real bias is you. This film sucked.


This was not nearly as bad as some are making it out to be...

The movie Hellraiser Revelations comes to mind in the same way that it wasnt going to get a fair shake once they didnt cast Doug Bradley as Pinhead

Needless to say Hellraiser Revelations was by far the very worst film of the Hellraiser franchise and did in fact merit a 3-4 rating

-You've contradicted yourself to the point I don't even understand what you're trying to say...


No, it was god damn awful.


I wasn't a fan of the original series. It was awful IMHO but while this new film is not good, it is bad in a far more palatable way to my mind. I don't think it deserve so much abuse. I like to see a straight up old school horror movie with decent production values. That's what this was, if nothing else.


It was sooo bad.

Whoever created the Leprechaun look should of been fired. It was so disappointing =/



There were a few things I like in the movie, but their full potential was never done. The only full potential was that one Irish man who didn't want to sacrifice anyone and just have him and his village wait for their fate. That guy I do give kudos to.


Even if this was a stand alone film it would suck.Sure the original movies were campy low budget movies but that was the point and why they were so popular. I understand they wanted to go a different direction but as the saying goes if it ain't broke don't fix it.


It was cow dung, somewhere out there Warwick Davis is laughing his leprechaun laugh.


lol so true. I am actually glad Warwick was not in this. Awful movie on all levels.

Have A Gory Good Day Now!


I give it a 4.6. If people can give that god awful Animal that then I Will score this a tie.


Nope it sucks and deserves a low rating. This series should be retired along with Chucky.
