Just watched it.

I actually somewhat liked it, but I can definitely see why people don't. This film was nowhere near great, but I've always liked B style movies, so perhaps that's why I could get some enjoyment out of it. I am a big fan of the original Leprechaun movies with Warwick Davis. I grew up watching them. I wasn't happy when I heard they were making this without him, but I decided to check it out anyway. I thought the film was suspenseful enough, however what I found less than thrilling about it was actually the leprechaun. That thing looked like a cross between Pumpkinhead and the creature from The Descent. They really could have done a lot better. Actually, I really feel this film could have had some potential if it was a sequel (or even prequel to the first film) and Warwick Davis was the leprechaun. They could have made him a little less humorous (even though that's part of what I like about the films) and more creepy if that's what they were going for. I liked the story aspect, but I really feel this movie could have been so much more if it had him in it, or if they at least came up with a better "leprechaun" than they did.


Yeah! I mean the plot was pretty cool, i like the whole thing about how you find out who your real friends are when you're in situations like that, but the acting was awful and that "thing" was so not a leprechaun. It was a freaking demon haha but i see what you mean


i like the whole thing about how you find out who your real friends are when you're in situations like that

I agree, surprisingly this was one of the more intriguing elements of the movie that many films don't tap into. I didn't expect that, but it made the lead more likable.


I know, right? That is seriously the best thing of the film


I don't have high expectations for this but I'll give it a fair shake.


I was intrigued by this but was very let down, it was NOT scary and the not fun. It was pretty boring and predictable. And the Leprechaun was barely ever on screen and when it was it was hard to make out due to the shaky cam.


Eh, very little good can I say about the movie.

The poster was very well done.

The man who was reluctant to sacrifice people did a good job.

Some of the story elements I liked.

A few of the nods were good while a certain one was incredibly forced like the "wet dream" quote from the Nightmare on Elm St remake.

The film had great potential. I have backed it on a few things. But sadly it took its great potential and did a complete 180. Perhaps another remake/reboot one day. One who can see the potential this had and work off on that while being both true to the character yet fresh and new.



Okay. I bought this bluray as part of the leprechaun collection yes even in space, in the hood, back to the hood. Origins was to me like Wes cravens new nightmare Hollywood regurgitates and reboots everything. There are no new ideas, everything has been done. This is the 7th leprechaun movie since 1993 all and all it wasn't too awful bad, hell I acted in worse


The leprechaun was a let down kind of a dumb entity too. It banging on the roof of the truck was just bad to watch especially after it broke the back window. The logic of the actions of some characters was just silly.

I know people that could have made a better creature creation. If they wanted dark and serious it could have been done like OP said with a better leprechaun creature concept. None of the rich Irish folklore was used to its potential, instead we got a stiff looking monster that somehow moved very fast was meant to be small but looked tall as *beep* in distance shots and close ups. Only growled and ran no better than a feral animal and somehow it new what gold was.

I enjoyed it but it was a let down only because you can see the story potential but none of it being used.


The movie wasn't perfect. I didn't hate it tho. If a sequel is made there are many different scenarios it can take. I wasn't pissed that the Leprechaun didn't talk as much as the folklore wasn't really used.

For all we know that thing could be a Hybrid before it changes into the stereotypical Leprechaun we all know.
