MovieChat Forums > The Rover (2014) Discussion > Wasn't feeling this movie, but then...

Wasn't feeling this movie, but then...

The end hit me like a sack of bricks and now I'm gonna watch it again and I love it now.

No spoilers, just... I've watched (reviewed and rated) literally thousands of movies and I can't recall such a turnaround of my opinion for an entire movie based on what happens in this one in the final moments.


It's funny how the ending affects people. For some, it ruins the entire film and they hate the ending. For others, it's an amazing thing. I loved it, personally.

Fear the man with nothing left to lose.


I think the ending makes perfect sense. It shows that Erik did care about Rey. In a sense, Rey was a lot like a dog.. Not very smart, co-dependent, loyal, he fetched things for Erik and came to his rescue when he needed it.


Yeah but why didn't he bury him with the dog?


I don't know... but even thinking back about this movie makes me like it.

This one is going to be one I watch many, many times.


I already have watched it many, many times and STILL I am in love with it! 

"Ain't life grand!"


So did I and I'm still in awe about the amazing performances.


I know...truly amazing! I think Guy could've played his whole role without ANY dialogue and I would've understood him just by his eyes and facial expressions alone! I don't know why he didn't win an award for that performance, I thought it was absolutely outstanding!! Pattinson was pretty good but without Guy...I would've never watched it.

"Ain't life grand!"


You're right. Guy didn't need a word to let his character "speak". He's a true gem of an actor. Just last week I rewatched him in Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. What a difference!!
I gave up trying to understand the award nominations. Of course Guy deserved at least a nom as did Rob IMHO.
Some films are worth seeing for the action,the special effects,others for the cinematography... The Rover was worth a watch for the performances, even if the story might not have been appealing for many (it was for me).
Rob Pattinson never followed acting school, he's trying to do that now by working with talented directors. He can become (in my opinion he is already) one of the best character actors of his generation.
He takes risks and that I appreciate.


LoL...I also re-watched Priscilla about a month ago...huge difference!! Guy has definitely come a long way in his acting talent...and now he's singing for us too! OMG I looove his voice! Awww heck...I love Guy! 

Yes...Guy is a true gem and I look forward to many more years to come of him as an actor and musician. I don't know much about Pattinson since The Rover is the only thing I've ever seen him in. But I see that he has a LOT of potential to become something real big!! I'll keep an eye on him. It's too bad he didn't get to play in Brimstone with Guy again, I was totally looking forward to that! Well...maybe another time. 

And yes...The Rover is definitely not for everyone. I wasn't too sure of it myself until around the middle of it when he was talking to that MP that picked him up. And then, the ending...all the pieces came together and it all made was then that I loved it! It's quite a powerful and emotional film. You have to become his character (Eric) in order to really feel his pain and anger.

"Ain't life grand!"


Let us both hope for a reteaming of Guy and Rob in the near future.
Thans for the nice convo. 


👍👍 It's been a real pleasure...and I thank you too. 

"Ain't life grand!"


I think the way he ended it was Rey was mythic, like the way they built funeral pyres for the fallen heroes, etc. It elevates Rey, makes him more than an animal in Pearce's eyes.


What about the three others 'fallen heroes' he had shot? He burnt all the bodies along.


i personaly felt it kind of flat, but i gess it was my fault, ruining the moment trying so hard to guess what it was... yet, this said, i understand how much impact it could have done to me as it did to you. doesnt make it less good, just made me desapointed.


I lost a furry bestfriend not long ago, this movie punched me right in the lip. Loved it.


Yeah, the ending really elevates the film, its a simple but masterful stroke by Michod

The 2nd viewing is a must, there is a lot of black humor that is only guested as such the second time around


I loved it the whole way through, but I don't mind telling you I burst into tears at that last scene, and I am tearing up again thinking about it now. What an incredible film. And what an extraordinary actor Guy Pearce is.


yes, completely agree, that ending hit me hard, and then things made sense, became clearer.

is it just because we're dog lovers, and have been there?
