MovieChat Forums > The Rover (2014) Discussion > movie should've been ten minutes long...

movie should've been ten minutes long...

...because those guys who stole guy pearce's car would have shot him as soon as he approached them. Why not? This is a post apocalyptic Australia with no police force. Instead they left him alive and with a vehicle!


Did you watch the whole film? There clearly was a form of law enforcement, although I don't think it was made clear if they were soldiers or just militarized police officers.


Correct. Their chances of being caught were slim to none.


they were robbers and only killed if they had to (to survive)

I was more curious why they didn't just give the car back and take their truck.


Because it would have made sense...and the movie would have been ten minutes long...

...aaaaand still painful to watch with the sound on due to that horrible Asian music...


Also why didn't he just ask for his dead frind from the trunk? Still 10 minutes long.
Going on a limb here, we're meant to believe all of them were too macho. The thieves - too manly to admit being wrong and return that which they stole, Eric - too manly to agree to less than getting back all they took.


Sometimes I wonder if people know human beings at all in real life.
The plates to their truck was signaled to the police/military, hence why that officer stopped when Eric and Rey were at the motel. Why would they get back a truck that has very possibly a few damages over an anonimous car that works fine? Why would three armed robbers back down in front of a gun toting stupid man?
Why didn't Eric just ask for his dead friend back? because when you're so far gone and angry at the world, with nothing to lose but your meaningless life, in that world of no law and no justice why would he leave his possession to the robbers and not try to get evrything back? Did you listen to his speech about no one going after him after he had killed his wife? It was something that affected his jaded views obviously.
