MovieChat Forums > The Rover (2014) Discussion > so after the apocalypse, all asians guys...

so after the apocalypse, all asians guys are gay?

there were only 4 asian guys in this movie and they were all gay. are you *beep* kidding me? that's racist *beep* *beep* i'm so god damn sick of seeing asian guys in western films be either or outcasts(nerdy or evil).


Yes, every Asian guy in the world was in this and they were all gay.


So being gay equals being an outcast, nerdy or evil?
Are you a straight Asian male? Are you?

That said, I too noticed the gayness being injected as a means to hint at depravity or decadence.
This is something straight authors tend to do - intentionally or not.

If you want the 'hero' to kill someone at random , choose an angry dwarf in a gay whorehouse where mentally challenged minorities are being held.
Nobody will shed a tear.

Come to think of it. In the absence of women.
Nothing excludes every single man in this movie from being gay.

Except Pearce himself off course. He'd be bi.


yes it equates to that when western media has portrayed all asian men as being undesirable. that's why it's bothersome. it has nothing to do with this movie by itself. it has to do with the whole trend.

Nothing excludes every single man in this movie from being gay.

that's great except only the 4 asian males are shown to be gay. either way, it doesn't matter what the reason is when the undesirable stereotypes are all asian guys ever get to play.


I call bullsh!T in that. Just off the top of my head there are the WESTERN
Jackie Chan movies like all 3 Rush Hour movies and both of the Shanghai Noon
movies where Jackie had a FEMALE love interest in all of those HUGE blockbuster
Then take Jet Li, all of the western funded/made movies where is the main
protagonist he has a love interest.
All of those silly 'White Castle' comedies, with John Cho, who has been in numerous other western movies is always played a straight guy.

Now you give me an example of a western movie(is Australia even western??)
that has an Asian that is gay, besides this movie, because I can't think
of one.(Besides the guy thats in the 'Father of the Bride movies)


Slam Fookin Dunk! lol


? i don't remember any gay asians and not a single person in this movie was "desirable"
you're being silly.


Theyre all gay. Accept it

my vote history:


since that was a run down circus, i assumed they were brothers, an acrobat family or something, didnt catch gay undertones.

they were pimping that boy though.,


After watching this twice I still don't get that line. What was the point of that whole scene anyway? Except for the needing of a gun, why stop there to get one? When I first saw it I thought the little kid was his son and that was really his mother who just was senile and that's why she kept asking "who are you?" And would explain why he showed up there to begin with.



The thing is, having a guy's head in your lap makes you gay, therefore "undesirable".

But a strung out nincompoop, killing a dozen people out of love for a dead dog...
yep, there's a shining beacon for the white race.

That's one twisted viewpoint.


At what point is Pearce's character ever defined as any sort of hero or beacon? He is hardly heroic or admirable and that is kind of the point IMHO.


He isn't, nobody is saying that he is.
The post you replied to was obviously being


Another troll starts another pointless thread....haven't been on IMDB for a year..good to see nothings changed..

Deputy Davo's Pig Squeezing Country and Western Comedy Show.


Only Chinese and Japanese are gay but not Koreans, except for the elite. I hope this clarifies things.


After the apocalypse women will be nothing more than meat, if you can't find a nice smooth hairless woman, you get the next best thing... sorry asians, get the KY.

just sayin...

Keep voting for D's and R's America the 1% is counting on you to be their servants.


Did I miss the implication that they were gay? They were part of a travelling circus and yes they were in an establishment that was offering young boys. But it didn't mean they were partaking. With all the people sleeping about they probably offered drugs and generally hang out.


They happened to be touching each other. In middle school that = gay.




Sleeping on another dudes lap while your both high as a kite counts as gay nowadays does it...


Sadly I must have watched the PG version where all the gay asians didnt have robust and furious gay sex, thus leading me totally unaware of their total gayness.
