We waz kangz

my sisters brothers baby mamas first boyfriend took a history class at the penitentiary and he told me that we waz kangs and that my melanin makes me a kang and that whitey stole all his technology and that if I look for racism anywhere I can find it everywhere and so now thats all i do all day online and we gonna rule again soon

and it's not appropriating asian or european culture to use a computer because africans invented all dat *beep* and then whitey stole it hunnerds years ago


You are literally evil. Fµck off.

Warning! The Monster is loose!


u just mad dat dey mummy isn't a ratchet cuz nuffin mo evil den a ratchet with an expired ebt card


Lol@ troll too chicken to post in the politics board


and grape sizzurp


Well satire, OP.

I hate all that Africans did everything first and better NOI bollocks.


