This looks great!

Cope and seeth, DemoKKKrats!


You damn right-wing nutcases are always trying to politicize the hell out of every damn little thing. Get mad and b**** about stupid s*** like you rethuglicans always do. And, the Dems are nothing like the damn Klan, so cut the bullshit and stop trying to make this fake-ass connection between them. It's the repub party that's stil lily-white as hell, even today. You can literally count on one hand the number of known black republicans in Congress----just two, as a matter of fact. Wonder why that is.


DemoKKKrats started the KKK because Republicans abolished slavery, you IGNORAMUS.


black folk couldn't make a movie without it being about their blackness to save their lives


I watched it today. It's really smart, funny and entertaining.
