I was hopping for

A good, funny Deke scene after the SHIELD moment or after the credits.

Disappointed ...


Yeah, I expected a closing shot of Deke rocking Madison Square Garden or something.




I want to point out that Deke, in that time line, is set up with the coolest origin story ever.

Sole survivor of the team that literally saved the world, fighting a time war, up and down history.

Rock Star. Now Head of Shield.

IMad Scientist. Perfectly set up to tech wank the shit out of that timeline. He is from the future, and had worked for at least a couple of years in teh 21st century doing even more tech development.

He is experienced with dealing with inhumans and has made contact with the inhumans of that time line.

He is literally Buckaroo Banzi.


There was talk of flashing to what he was doing, but that would have undercut the emotional development. He’s playing Madison Square Garden, singing “Money for Nothing,” but it’s a S.H.I.E.L.D. operation.
