MovieChat Forums > Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013) Discussion > Question about Season 7 - Enoch, May and...

Question about Season 7 - Enoch, May and timelines ......lots of spoilers for sure.

I’m rewatching Season 7 and in Ep 2 after May wakes from in the healing pod, she sees Enoch and says, “I know you.” And after Enoch introduces himself, says he was Fitz’s best friend and then he also says, “You and I have not met in this timeline but I am told that we were quite helpful to one another in a previous one.”

I think I understand that this Enoch is from the different timeline they created after Fitz died at the end of Season 5 and they went searching for the Fitz and Enoch that were in the Chronicom vessel waiting out the next 70 years so therefore this Enoch has only met May the once in the diner when he captured them before sending them to the future but I can’t seem to work out how this isn’t the same May and why she wouldn’t remember Enoch also rescuing her from the surface of the destroyed Earth in that future timeline?

Any help explaining what I clearly am missing would be greatly appreciated!
