MovieChat Forums > Bastille Day (2016) Discussion > If you think Idris Elba has it all...

If you think Idris Elba has it all...

...then stay to hear his terrible singing and feel better about yourself ;)


Was that him singing at the end? I thought it was!




him singing was the icing on the cake for this crap frest of a movie

-only uneducated minds are not open to any ideas other than their own.


Learn how to spell before you go talking crap about other people, troglodyte.


LOL oh my, now I've been told thank you for setting me on the path to the rightous!

Still a crap movie and you obviously have no taste if you liked it - you melt!

-only uneducated minds are not open to any ideas other than their own.


You mean "path to righteousness", idiot. Now YOU "melt"!!! LOL!!


We don't think that he "has it all" anymore than ANYONE does, but we DO believe that he has a whole lot more than YOU do. HaHa!! Spend more energy on developing yourself and less energy on hating on others, sillykid76.


Me: Idris Elba is brilliant at everything except singing.
You: Haters be hating.

Funny world.


Almost as bad as his acting.
How anyone can say he compares to good actors like Denzel Washington or Morgan Freeman is beyond me - that tune at the end awful!!!!

Pedestrian movie nothing new barely a 5/10.

Its uncle Frank Kirsty!
Its time to play!


To me Idris Elba would make a much more entertaining James Bond than Daniel Craig ever could. In comparison Craig has the charisma of a brick.


I don't remember him doing any singing. Did i miss something or are you telling porky pies?

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