MovieChat Forums > Bastille Day (2016) Discussion > Decent Action Movie..just like every one...

Decent Action Movie..just like every one is saying

I would say decent to good. The hand to hand fight scenes were particularity good.
This movie is currently rated 6.5. I would give it a solid 7. It held my interest enough for me to watch it all in one sitting. That is unusual for me to do.

I am a weapons expert so it was nice to see all the HK hardware and GREAT Euro tactical gear. I was really impressed. For a disarmed population, the French have some really bad ass high end tactical SWAT like cops. The shields they used were better than I have seen in the USA too.

This tells me more and more how important is it is for Hillary NOT to try and repeal the 2nd Amendment and attempt a gun grab like she has plans to do.

I recommend this flick.


For a disarmed population, the French....

actually their have 200000 guns owners not even including hunters - all legally and registered - most of them owning hand guns and/or well, better ;), it's not as simple as in the state - which is seriously too easy - but it's possible.
It is one of the most armed European country with Switzerland, Sweden and Finland - but others are not far away. ( and their all know how to use it because regular practice is mandatory in order to keep your guns );
btw right now what is politicians (and intelligence services) all in Europe really fear, it's what those people - not really known to be open-minded to some multicultural ideas - can do the day their said " it's enough" (you know who their are thinking about....)
