MovieChat Forums > Short Term 12 (2013) Discussion > Jayden - what kind of abuse?

Jayden - what kind of abuse?

I can't really figure out if Jayden was sexually abused by her father or “just” abused violently. I mean we see the bruises on the side of her stomach and we hear her describe the violent abuse to the therapist after being brought back to the facility, but as far as I remember we don’t hear anything about sexual abuse. It is just that Grace believes Jayden to be the victim of sexual abuse, like herself, because she reminds her of herself and her own situation when she was Jayden’s age? Or did I miss something?


Jayden was violently abused. Because of her own situation Grace thought the same thing happened to Jayden.


Thanks for clearing that up for me.


I thought the shark story came off as sexual abuse more than violent abuse.


It was both physical and sexual. The story with the octopus is blatantly sexual. (The shark wanting someone to "play with" because he was lonely, him taking an arm one at a time and then deciding to go all the way and take the rest).

I'm assuming the physical violence was what followed if she resisted. Jayden seemed like a pretty tough kid, so she'd probably retaliate a little at first.


I've watched it several times, and I'm still not 100 percent sure. The shark story reads as pretty sexual, but you really only get confirmation of the physical abuse from Jayden.

A lot of what we are led to believe of Jayden's abuse comes from Grace. The scene with Jack in the therapist's office clearly has Grace projecting a lot of her emotions on to her story. The "he's always there behind her" tangent seemed pretty clearly from Grace's own life, and she even says she had not thought of her father's abuse in a long time until she met Jayden.



I know what you mean. I mean, she had both her arms and everything!
