MovieChat Forums > Orange Is the New Black (2013) Discussion > This seems like the longest running seri...

This seems like the longest running series ever somehow

Its hard to explain, but when this show first started airing, it seemed like the kind of show that had an end in sight, that it was only going to be a mini-series, or maybe a 1-2 season type deal.
Instead, this is one of the few shows I've watched that feels intentionally drawn out, as if its popularity came as a surprise to its producers and they've just kept it going.

I don't know, I quit watching a few episodes into season 2, when it seemed obvious that it was going to one contrived situation after another, a non-stop drama creation machine to fill episode after episode.
Anyone else feel this way about this show? Its got a great IMDB rating, has it really held up as well as that would suggest?


I'm watching the new season right now and I must say that after the 2 or 3 first episodes, it ran out of steam quickly. It's the same old stuff we've seen a dozen times before. Piper and Alex' story is just going in circles.

The guards are still acting like bunch of buffoons even while the show is now supposed to take place in maximum security. Suzanne is still obviously crazy, but apparently not enough to be in a psych ward. Lorna is annoying as ever, Red feels betrayed by everyone except Nicky, Tasha is still acting like she's some sort of victim.

There are only 3 noteworthy new character, 2 alpha inmates and a morbidly obese guard. All the sets are new, but that's about it.


Thanks...yeah, that's what I figured. TV in general seems pointless enough without watching stuff that just creates drama for the sake of drama, you know?
Weeds was like that too. Loved the show, but after awhile it just seemed like it was people are noticing with Walking Dead.
I mean, there's got to be programming for people to watch, I get it, just kind of wish there were more mini-series type shows...just tell the story you want to tell and then call it a day =]

Piper and Alex are still going around, huh?


I see this season a lot differently than you do.

Piper and Alex [spoiler]have finally tied the knot, and are making plans for their future. Piper's getting out in a few months (maybe), and they'll have to deal with Alex still being in there for at least 4 more years[/spoiler].

Suzanne, Lorna, and Pennsatucky, were all pretty fruit loops, but were almost always in minimum.

Red was betrayed by almost everyone, [spoiler]including Nicky[/spoiler].

Taystee [spoiler]was a victim of great injustice. The guards accidentally shot Piscatella, but pinned it on her, giving her a life sentence, and Black Cindy sold her out.[/spoiler] I'd say she has damned good reason to feel victimised!

This season there's Deb and Carol, Baddison, Daddy, as noteworthy new inmates.


I don’t know how I’ve watched this entire series minus the flashbacks. I found it’s much more enjoyable to fast forward through the flashbacks and only watch the present storyline. I don’t care about Tasty working at Macdonald’s or Nicky’s bar mitzvah. I did enjoy the Debbie and Carol flashbacks this season but it was the one exception I made.
