maritza's baby??

In the first season maritza's says she has a baby waiting for her when she comes out, but later seasons theres no mention of her having a child at all and No mentions in the flashbacks either when shes stealing cars or when she gets out in the last season shes hanging out at clubs with her friends and again she has no baby, And no mention when shes deported either??

Did they retcon her character or somthing?? did it turn out she was lying?? can somone help lol


I don’t remember the baby, for some reason I totaly forgot about it.

She wasn’t lying, the baby was apparently shown visiting her in prison, which I also don’t remember.

It says here:

“Juliana-Fernanda Ramos (daughter) - While in the kitchen, Maritza mentions her daughter staying with some female relatives. Maritza celebrates her daughter's first birthday in prison. On Mother's Day, Maritza holds her daughter while she talks about motherhood with Maria until her daughter has an accident and hands her off to Blanca in disgust.”
