MovieChat Forums > The White Queen (2013) Discussion > Who was responsible for the Princes' dea...

Who was responsible for the Princes' death......?

In the series...was it a combination of Anne Neville and Margaret Beaufort? As far as the book goes, who was the guilty party(ies).

You have eternity. I have only now.


How many times does this question have to be asked on this board? The series isn't clear on the culprit b/c history isn't clear; but most scholars believe Richard had them killed since they were the greatest threats to his kingship.


They were in King Richards power, and it is most likely that he had them killed, as they represented a threat to his kingship.


I meant in the series. I know, historically, that no-one knows who killed the princes. Richard has been the prime suspect for centuries but, no-one knows.

You have eternity. I have only now.


I believe the show implied that Margaret Beaufort had them killed. Which is the series' explanation for why Henry VIII couldn't have a male heir. Elizabeth Woodville had cursed the descendants of her sons' murderer.


Actually, if it was Margaret Beaufort, Henry Tudor should've died as a result of the curse. But Anne's son died. However you slice it, it all points to Richard and those in his circle.


Ah, but in the book, Gregory says that "Perkin Warbeck" is not a pretender, but actually Prince Richard all grown up and trying to reclaim his father's throne! So that the curse falls on Henry Tudur (Henry VII) for having him executed... which is supposed to be ironic because Elizabeth of York ends up cursing her own children. I think it's ironic because Gregory fictionalized a curse that only cared about who killed Prince Richard, and didn't apply to the supposed killer of Prince Edward.

We'll never know who actually took out the two princes, but Richard was the likeliest suspect, he had both motive and opportunity. Some historians have said it must have been someone in the Tudor camp trying to eliminate rivals and make Richard look monstrous, which is likely enough; and that Richard had no movie because he'd eliminated them as a threat by calling them bastards, which is not true. No, those boys would have been a threat to Richard as long as they lived, and being named a bastard wouldn't have stopped Richard's enemies from putting armies behind their cause. Damn, good thing someone took them out, if they'd lived the War of the Roses would have gone on for another generation or two.


The series remains coy on this. We see both Margaret and Anne telling their allies who have access to tbe Tower to take out the princes, but we dont see who actually does the deed. Elizabeth and her daughter put a curse on whoever killed the boys and later on Annes son dies, so that might indicate that she was ultimatelt responsible, but the guy who she told to do it denies that he actuallt did it.

The show does seem to make clear that Richard had no role in the deaths. In history, however, he seems to be the most likely culprit. Hes the one who had control of them in the Tower and hes the one with the most to gain.


It's heavily implied in "The Red Queen" that Margaret Beaufort had them killed.



I'm grumbling right along with you.

Too many people don't bother reading sources on actual history (as near to actual as you can get -- every writer is human and does have his/her prejudices included in the writings) history. People today seem to depend on TV, such as this series, for their 'facts'.

Too bad we won't be around in a couple of hundred years to see how this age and key players are portrayed. Who knows? In a couple of hundred years, Obama may be 'white.' 


For Miss Gregory the answer is "Anyone but Richard III".

I'm the clever one; you're the potato one.


Did you check out the latest press release for the sequel?

THIS Margaret Beaufort is "wracked with guilt" over having had the Princes murdered in the Tower. :P


Did you check out the latest press release for the sequel?

THIS Margaret Beaufort is "wracked with guilt" over having had the Princes murdered in the Tower. :P

Ugh. If Gregory wants to make sh!t up as a novelist that would be annoying but at least it's just fiction, but she fancies herself an historian and insists that she undertakes extensive research. Perhaps she does - but then disregards everything it uncovers in favour of her own demented fantasies. And people will believe it.

Does she also show us in flashback RIII "wracked with guilt" for not keeping the boys safe or for not noticing they'd gone missing at the start of his reign? No, thought not.

I'm the clever one; you're the potato one.


Historically speaking, most likely Margaret Beaufort. She killed a crap load of people to get her son on the throne.

'Go get an education, learn to talk you first language, lerarn to spell countries names' nidii-76417


Oh really? Who did she kill?

I'm the clever one; you're the potato one.


It's a shame that there are so many ill informed people who can't even separate fiction from actual history. Of course these are the same ones who thought Titanic was fiction or that the characters Rose and Jack were real.
