MovieChat Forums > Focus (2015) Discussion > Interracial couple are still tricky for ...

Interracial couple are still tricky for me.

It´s still awkward when I see interracial couples in movies. Born and raised in a small rural town in Idaho I never witnessed something like that, that´s really something new for me


While they don't bother me, I've yet to sleep with a black chick. It is on my list though, I've checked off a Latina but that's about it. Nope wait, and Indian too, knew her from high school, happened in college. She was a freak. I was waiting for that to happen for forever. I just haven't seen a hot enough black chick to make a move on, maybe I'm in the wrong neighborhood. Maybe they wouldn't even acknowledge me. Who knows. Time will tell.


Just go on holiday.


Thanks for sharing. You NEED to hit up West Africa man.



Seriously? Black women and women of color in general are people,too----we're not just something you check off as having "done" on some damn checkoff list. You need to grow the hell up before you can even think of getting near a sister,period.


good one lol


I'm whit and I've slept with 100+ girls but only one was black. She was a Pom girl at a local university and I met get at a party. I've always wanted to do it again since but it just never happened. It's hard to pick up a hot black girl if your white from my experience


I'm a 38yr old black female and to be honest, we don't find (most) white men all that sexy and/or attractive. I do find white men attractive, but it's rare. I've dated a few white guys before. No biggie


hey - it's the woman that speaks universally for black women everywhere. can i get an interview?


Please speak for yourself. I am a 23 year old black woman, and I find men of all races sexy/attractive. People have preferences and you can't speak for all black women, especially on what we each, individually like.


No biggie...



jeez , did yer dick fall off yet?


Well get over it because its not going away EVER.



People like this exist and aren't embarrassed to voice this *beep*


You realize that the current President of the United States has white mother and black father, right?


It´s still awkward when I see interracial couples in movies. Born and raised in a small rural town in Idaho I never witnessed something like that, that´s really something new for me

Don't know where you live now, but some of the points-of-view that people have are shaped by their experiences and cultural upbringing, so it may be that your initial feelings are understandable.
But, with developing a greater world view the awkwardness that you feel will go away.

Because people are not going to shape their behavior based on the narrow views of others.


best response possible...

It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack. Not rationality...


Someone on the radio said that people feel comfortable saying stuff online because they feel that there are no consequences. That being said, there are ways to make people accountable online.


So, Micheal, are you saying that certain cultures should breed with others cultures just because? What about a risk of aids, and sickle-cell anemia that is present in many Africans? Should a white woman risk the health of her offsprrng, because she doesn't want to seem "racist"?


So, Micheal, are you saying that certain cultures should breed with others cultures just because? What about a risk of aids, and sickle-cell anemia that is present in many Africans? Should a white woman risk the health of her offsprrng, because she doesn't want to seem "racist"?

Do you realize that Will Smith is not "African"?


Do you realize that Will Smith has some African ancestry?

Not a native anglo.


I have seen plenty of interracial couples with the female of that relationship being a white woman, so obviously a white woman is more than willing to "risk the health of her offspring".

Keep your money and your emotions separate.


Oh, I see them all the time, in the unemployment line and hoping for SSI.


Give it a rest. Its people like you that keep stereotypes alive.

I'm a black woman with a large family and many black friends, I can count only one that has sickle cell and if any of them have Aids then its well hidden.

Keep your money and your emotions separate.


Give it a rest, it's not a stereotype. It's an existent risk. I do hope you know the definition of "risk". Especially in order to compare "low risk" with "high risk". That "only one" you're talking about is called "risk", be it low, but it's there to be potentially passed to offspring as an active gene.

Compare the above with "no risk" or even "5000:1" risk, which is closer to a negligible rate than "one in a hundred". Just being scientific, is all.

Not a native anglo.


To be clear, you are implying you are either always in the unemployment line yourself, or you work in the unemployment office. Both are situations none of my black friends have ever found themselves in. But thanks for being brave and speaking up on your personal situation. It's important for people to see that white people struggle too.


Just because some white women are not educated in this regard does not mean the risk does not exist.

Not a native anglo.


You sound dumb as hell, so just shut up,please.


What about a risk of aids, and sickle-cell anemia that is present in many Africans? Should a white woman risk the health of her offsprrng, because she doesn't want to seem "racist"?

What about ALS or Melanoma that is present in many Caucasoids? Should black people risk the health of their offspring because they don't want to seem "racist"?


