MovieChat Forums > No Time to Die (2021) Discussion > Why bring back Lea Seydoux's character?

Why bring back Lea Seydoux's character?

I believe this is the first time in the history of the franchise that a major Bond girl has been brought back for a second film. The film and this character in particular were pretty unremarkable and forgettable so I can't help but wonder exactly why they felt the need to make an exception with her.


I think they're going for the Bond settled down angle. But the true reason is she ate a bunch of babies and sucked all the right Illuminati knobs.


While I may not have put it so colorfully I do suspect it having more to do with a "behind the scenes" favor for the actress who Hollyweird has been trying to prop up since her "breakout" role in that softcore lesbian porn film several years ago.


to kill her ive been done Bond with since MI Dethroned it in 2015


Because of a stupid obsession with continuity. Who the fuck cares about that? She is a terrible actress and easily the worst-looking Bond girl.


I don't even think continuity is enough of a justification for bringing her back. This could have worked as a direct follow up with this bland, forgettable character having simply moved on with her life.


Once again the producers will pretend that every plot point that Swann is part of was "all planned out from the beginning" when they are actually making it up on the fly. There is no reason to bring her back, but they will act as if they had some grand plan for her all the way back to the production of Spectre when they did not have one in reality. Waiting around for her and all these other supporting actors is also part of the reason why we have been waiting so long for this film. For reasons that are completely beyond me, EON feels like they have some sort of obligation to wait around for these people to finish their other projects. Five years later we're still waiting for a new film because Seydoux and Harris and all these other forgettable people were too busy working on other things and couldn't commit to a Bond film. Among all the other production issues of course.


I thought she was very beautiful and sexy in MI4.


Right now in 2020 (and 2019 when filming took place) she looks like a dog. She hasn't kept herself in shape, and remember that five years have now passed since Spectre, so a lot of aging took place in that time.


Hang on in no way does she look "like a dog". But yeah she's aging like the rest of us. Probably getting attacked by Harvey Weinstein hasn't helped either.


I think she looks very bad and even unhealthy in the trailer. That's just my opinion.


I respect your opinion dude. I guess beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.


She's still hot.


I wouldn't call her ugly but she's definitely not the most beautiful woman and those bags under her eyes aren't flattering.


I've noticed a sad trend in Craig's films that they like to use mediocre looking Bond girls and usually have a way hotter girl in the movie but only for a brief amount of time. It's the biggest tease of all time.


Sylvia Trench came back as did Eve


I specified "major" bond girl for a reason as I figured someone would bring up the minor character who appeared in Dr. No & had a cameo in From Russia with love. She was barely a character and had no impact on the plot whatsoever. Also Monneypenny is a staple, recurring character, not a Bond Girl. Nobody would accuse Judi Dench's M of being a Bond Girl. She's been in over 7 Bond films.


connections, baby.


Maybe she can do something with her little finger that Babs likes.
