MovieChat Forums > Road to Paloma (2014) Discussion > Saw Road to Paloma at SFF last night

Saw Road to Paloma at SFF last night

So Road to Paloma had its unofficial premier at the Sarasota Film Festival last night, and I was lucky enough to attend the screening.

First off I have to say, the film is absolutely gorgeous. It's beautifully shot, the locations are immaculate. From the opening scene, the desert landscapes pull you in. Jason Momoa is incredibly talented, and he's savvy enough to let the vistas be a character in their own right.

The story is straight-forward but poignant. I remember reading an article several years ago regarding the injustices committed against Native American women on reservations, which are considered sovereign land, by white American males and the catch-22 of prosecuting these sexual assaults. It's difficult and painful to acknowledge that after hundreds of years of atrocities, this stuff is still happening.

Wolf (Jason Momoa) is not a hero, or an anti-hero, he's just a guy who found himself in a truly terrible position when faced with tragedy and injustice. He made the decision to serve justice himself, but as his father Numay (Wes Studi) says in the film, "What has your justice gotten you?"

So it's essentially a road movie, Wolf is on the run from the law, in this case an FBI agent played by an intense Timothy V. Murphy. Along the ride, Wolf meets a fellow drifter named Cash (co-writer Robert Mollohan, with one of the best character introduction scenes in recent memory) and the pair become road buddies. I have to commend Mollohan's performance, manic and sly, he's truly the Dennis Hopper to Momoa's Peter Fonda.

All in all it's an intense and beautiful film, obviously a labor of love for the director and everyone involved. And I have to mention, the soundtrack is amazing, truly haunting, gorgeous, rocking, great songs and soundscapes.

Finally, a disclaimer: I drunk high-fived Jason at the afterparty, and I'm pretty sure it made my month. Support this film, it's beautiful and visceral and I hope Momoa continues to follow his vision and keep telling stories.


just wanted to know according to the Ratings..where this film got rated R it states nudity and sexual content

is there any strong female nudity ?


lol are you wanting strong female nudity? Or just hoping for some. Lots of porn sites for you to look at out there. Or are you upset there might be some? Which would bring up the issue of why didn't you ask about strong male nudity? Seems strange in this day and age that people are looking for reasons to knock things rather than actually start acting and behaving like gender equality is a virtue we want to promote. Maybe it is all the mixing of cultures that brings new problems to the table.


however, a man with a bare chest is different from a woman with a bare chest. Or, in the quest for equality, you reckon females just have to bare all; or maybe the man have to cover up their nipples now?

The fact is that man and woman aren't equal and never will be. I don't understand this need for everybody to be the same. Why can't people acknowledge the inherent difference between males and females and cherish them, instead of trying to homogenize everything.

Also, it is ironic you state you find it strange that people are looking for reasons to knock things, yet you go out of your way to knock the one asking a very normal question. Wouldn't it have been easier just to give him an answer?




I'm 100% with you


but women and men should be equal in this regard, and they aren't. women can be pervs too.


whether i watch a film for female nudity or not ..its my wish... also yes iam aware of porn sites thnks for letting me know they exist... but again whether i watch a film be it for art sake, comedy, naked girls, violence etc is my business ..i dont need advise from u to tell me wht to watch or not...

iam a guy i prefer only female nudity .. if u like male nudity too then good for u and feel free to promote it.... seriously i dont get idiots like u ... just cause some one like something which u dont like or disagree u have a reason to make fun of them .. have u heard of my eyes my wish .. or freedom to watch, wear, listen and speak wht you want...

stick to your own business ...


There are a few scenes with topless dancers in a strip club.


I did not even know this film existed until a couple of minutes ago. Cannot wait to see it! Jason Mamoa was incredible on "Thrones" and such a great guy when being interviewed. As far as the topless discussion, I hope that it is HIM !!!


Whoa, I was totally unaware supporting local film festivals and artists' passion projects were considered "red flags." Thank you for your contribution.

I believe it's now available on DVD and streaming if you would like to share your thoughts on the film.


Maybe not, but using phrases like this is definitely a red flag.

the film is absolutely gorgeous


HOW is it a red flag when it's true?!



What? I barely posted on IMDB boards, jesus.

Has nothing to do with being a "flamer" or whatever, if a movie has a quality, you acknowledge it, unless you're a cynical *beep* who likes to bitch & moan about everything.


Chill with the hate speech you moron. There is no room for small minded jackasses here. Go back downstairs to your mommy's basement(your room) and go back to bed.



I agree, I thought it was a very well done movie and I gave it an 8.
