MovieChat Forums > Road to Paloma (2014) Discussion > Why Wasn't Jail An Option? Thoughts? (Sp...

Why Wasn't Jail An Option? Thoughts? (Spoilers)

I thought this film was ok, not bad for small budget Indie, was what it was, always wondered during the movie why he carried that blade in his back the whole time, knew it would come into play at some point. For his crime, my guess would have been 8-10 years jail max, you think? Parole at some point for good behavior- the judge might have had sympathy for him because of what happened to his mother, - point is, why wasn't jail ever an option to him? At least he would still be alive- I didn't get the sense that it was a "be on the run or whack myself scenario" during the movie- was kind of surprised he chose that route- Thoughts? Movie 5/10 IMO

Plainview: Stop crying, you sniveling ass! Stop your nonsense. You're just the afterbirth, Eli.


The point of the movie is that white people still don't have sympathy to Natives. They rape, get off scot-free. I highly doubt a white federal judge would have any sympathy for an outlaw who committed a premeditated murder. If it goes to trial it could mean life with no parole.


yeah your probably correct- just didn't see him whacking himself- good point you make

Plainview: Stop crying, you sniveling ass! Stop your nonsense. You're just the afterbirth, Eli.


I didn't understand why he would do that either, the only thing I can think is maybe the movie is set in the past, I'd have to watch it again but I don't remember anyone using cell phones. Cash used a cordless phone and a pay phone to talk to his ex wife.


"just didn't see him whacking himself"

I don't see how a masturbation scene would have fit anywhere in this film.
