Couldn't understand

This was covered in another thread, but I have to add my two kopeks about the mumbling of the actors, because it's one of my pet peeves. Casey mumbled, and so did Rooney at times, and there was mumbling by others at times. That, along their Texas accents, made them hard to understand at times. As someone already said, I had to turn on subtitles when I started to miss a lot of what was being said.

I think this is a tendency in modern films, as I suppose the actors/directors think it is more realistic. And it is more realistic, but it's also annoying, at least to me. Watch older movies, pre-80s and back, let's say, and you rarely hear the actors mumble to the point that you can't undetstand them. You can always understand them, even when they speak in accents (except Brits, and especially Scots from Glasgow). Brando was called a mumbler throughout his career, but I always understood him. Actors are trained to speak clearly, and the older movies are no less realistic when they do.


I keep seeing people complain about Casey Affleck mumbling or "talking as though he has marbles in his mouth". Either I have incredible hearing, or a specal talent for understanding Afflecks lol, but I've yet to see a film of his where I needed subtitles activated. I don't even need to raise the volume when he lowers the volume of his voice.

But I do understandwhat you mean about the less clear enunciation in general in films these days, for the realistic feel. I can't say it bothers me too much, unless there's a great deal of slang as WELL as the less clear speech.
