MovieChat Forums > Ain't Them Bodies Saints (2013) Discussion > How annoying is Casey Affleck in this mo...

How annoying is Casey Affleck in this movie?

I find casey affleck a very annoying and untalented schlub ... how annoying is he in this film, #1 being as unannoying as he can get (which is still annoying) or #10 which is so annoying that you would drive up on the sidewalk to run him down for the goiod of hollywood and society at large

love ben foster and rooney mara and this looks like it could be good but casey affleck is just a professional turn in the punch bowl

thanks for any input :)

take care,

"One star in the sky
so I named it Otis Redding"
-- John Hiatt


You obviously have an irrational hatred of Ben Affleck. He is very talented and I've no idea what a schlub is. No he's not annoying.



You incorrectly read the OP's question. He asked about Casey Affleck, not Ben - who is generally a better actor.

I actually came to find out the same thing. I have avoided movies with Casey Affleck as a lead, unless others have stated that his performance is decent in a particular film.

Some actors are inconsistent; they're either a hit or miss in a role, and Casey is one of those actors, imo.


When you're not sure what a word means, an online dictionary is quite useful:

schlub | sh ləb| (also shlub)
noun informal
a talentless, unattractive, or boorish person.

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


He was as annoying as usual. I also can't stand Mara but she was actually tolerable here.


Quite annoying. But it sort of served the flick, or my reading of the flick anyway - I don't think we were supposed to like him very much. Although I do wonder whether the movie would have fared better with a more lovable Bob. Perhaps it would have been more tragic? Like this, I was focused on her feelings for Bob, which were a wonderful mix of love, longing, slowly forgetting, being so far removed that the lover turns into a concept, being apprehensive of the concept turning into a human again, being apprehensive of a life on the run with him, and finally witnessing your love die out together with the death of the loved one. That did work with an annoying Casey Affleck. It may have turned into a more standard love drama with a more likable actor - or it may have become even more complex...

there's a highway that is curling up like smoke above her shoulder


Not at all?

I mean I'd like to see him pull a performance with a little bit energy sometime but I think this movie wouldn't have been any better had he been replaced with someone else.

The movie is a bit too self-conscience it tries so hard not to be cliched and hollywoodized that it forgets to give the viewers any emotional impact and any sense that the 2 former crime spreers actually did love each-other in the end, and that's a bigger problem than any of the cast in it.

We crash into each other, just so we can feel something.
