Super Boring

I understand that the writers were going for a big build up and they wanted us to fully know who the characters were before Ernesto and Gabe meet up at the end, but I think that is where the film ultimately fails. It would have been a much more interesting story to see Ernesto and Gabe meet up earlier and see how their relationship developed amidst all the turmoil and sadness of their lives.

Instead, the film got sidetracked with Gabe's wife dating a Zack Galifianakis look alike, Gabe going on a date with someone that had no relevance to the story whatsoever and lots of longing, painful shots of Ernesto's couch and the Texas gas station. The film needed a better script and lots and lots of editing. 80 minutes and I could barely keep my eyes open. Thanks for nothing Netflix.


I couldn't agree with you more. I really wanted to like it, but it was so very, very boring. My husband liked it though. He's from Wyoming and he says that's what it's like in a small town.



Even the sex scene was boring. They were rubbing their bellies together or something.


It wasn't their bellies they were rubbing together. Lol.

"If I had known this is what friends were for, I would have signed up as an enemy"


Yeah that's why I had to skip to the end
