Worst movie of 2015?

Worst movie of 2015? Thats the question im asking myself, not only did he waste the animators time and talents, but he had to make another movie (Synecdouche new york was his first) about being depressed and having sex with strangers. Wow charlie kaufmann stop making movies or seek a therapist.



Really? Like... Really? Are u actually serious right now? You can hate the movie that's fine it's ur opinion but saying it's the worst of all time or even this year is pure stupidity. Even if u didn't like what the movie is about u can at least appreciate the animation and direction. So yeah saying it's the worst makes no *beep* sense when crap like 50 shades of grey, transformers and hundreds upon hundreds of crappy movies that look down on their audiences are out there


im not hating im stating my opnion, which is one of the main functions of a movie discussion site. i actually liked the animation, but that does not make this movie good sorry. were you invovlved in the production or something? why would you even care?


I'm not saying it makes the movie good but it makes it NOT the worst movie because there are still redeeming things in it unlike many other movies. My statement wasn't an objection to u hating or liking the movie. People have different tastes in movies and it's normal for u not to like this one. My only objection was to the sentence "Worst movie" It just makes no sense.
And no I wasn't involved in the production, I'm just a big fan of the movie. And I don't care, I'm just discussing something on a movie discussion site.


Every board has one. Do you really expect to convince folks who enjoyed the film, or is this more like an alarm call to folks who haven't seen it sorta thang? If the latter, do you think they can't just decide for themselves what they think?

Science can't explain everything, but religion can't explain anything.


Lol, if this was your worst of the year, I'd love to hear what was your best. Let me guess Ted 2?


2015 was a bad year for movies, this one was clearly the worst. and why are the people with the new imdb accounts always the most offensive people on these boards like you r_buro? Why are you playing "advocatus diabolus"? ( i know you gonna have to look that up lol ) Never go full retard son.


2015 was a bad year for movies and this was one of the few that was truly worth seeing. I'm glad there's a bold, divisive film out there that's making people think. So much bland drama is being spoofed to viewers right now and praised like it's something special. Anomalisa earns the hype for me.


no im sharing my opinion with others, im not trying to convince anyone, why should i care? im looking for a productive discussion with people who either liked or didnt like it.


I guess I just think it's curious mostly. I simply don't even think to go to boards of films I don't like, but that's just me.

Science can't explain everything, but religion can't explain anything.


You're not looking for a productive discussion,dont kid yourself.Otherwise,your original post would have been more mature.

Also,you appear to pop up on this board so many times with your insulting comments that its obvious that you do care and want to make everyone agree with you.

You're being delusional and childish.


Also read the op's review to know why he hates the film. It was too depressing for him and seems like he wanted it to be all rainbows and unicorns . He is clearly beyond stupidity


yes, this discussion is not very productive, but its not my fault, and im not insulting anyone, but i saw at least 3 insults against me, now who looks childish?


If you think your original post was made with the intent of starting a productive conversation then you seriosly lack self-awareness.

You questioning whether the movie is the WORST ever made was clearly provocative and nothing else.Then you go on saying that the people working on the film wasted their time.

And you expected a productive conversation?
You clearly didnt.


well you never tried to respond in a productive way, but thanks for your friendly reply


A childish post doesnt deserve a productive response,stop pretending to be the victim.


noone is pretending anything also calling people childish is the most redundant argument


What i wrote wasnt an argument.You still dont seem to realise that your original post was childish,thats why i called it out as such.Yet you still play the victim game,as if youre the good guy and im the bad guy.Pride and ego and lack of self-awareness at work


again, calling someone childish is redundant, even if its not an argument, its just an insult.


It was an accurate observation,thats all.


werent you the one who initially wanted to have a productive discussion? look where this ended? you tried to finish me off by calling me childish. what happened to our discussion? are you out of arguments? you never had good intentions.


No,it was you who after others called you out on an immature post,said that you wanted a productive discussion.

The point that i made and am still making is that you started all of this,and i repeat,in a childish way,in your original post.Which was all provocation,nothing else.

Just hoped that you would have understood that before things got ugly.Now its too late i understand,pride,ego from all sides came into play.So enough of this non-sense,its not that important in the end.bye.


no it was you you changed to tone of the conversation, sorry i never wanted this, i tried to stay with the topic and im willing to still discuss this. so lets start over

1. WHY did you like this movie?
2: why did you give interstellar 8 stars rating and ingmar bergmann fanny and alexander 6 stars let me guess you didnt actually watch fanny and alexander? I cant take you serious anymore man.


1.I responded to your original post.If you had asked in your original post about why people like this film,i wouldnt have responded cause i cant verbally explain it in a satisfactory way right now.

2.Now that i think of it,both Interstellar and Fanny deserve 7 stars.
Its funny that you think that i would rate a movie even though i didnt watch it,yet it is you who cant take me seriously.Give me a break.

Also,that coming from a person who gave Schindlers List,Requiem for a dream and JFK 1 star.Oh boy.Its obvious that you lack critical thinking when it comes to films and you simply react too quickly emotionally.

Oh well,i guess well have to agree to disagree.


no you cant give interstellar and fanny and alexanderx BOTH 7 stars, thats impossible, because one is a masterpiece and the other is hollywood plastic. sorry mate. thats like saying a rolls royce and a hyundai are basically the same car. i think we should at least agree on that, before we can discuss any further.


Its sad that you dont understand how personal the art of cinema is.You proved that with your original post.

And you proved that again with your insistance on the greatness of Fanny and Alexander.

I get it it,you like that film,thats great.But that doesnt mean its automatically better than other films.You just happen to feel closer to it than some other films.

This is obvious,so this foolishness should end here.


Bora your a jerk-off. Enough said.


Kazak, stupid tagline. Makes you look like an intolerant douchebag. Espouse your infantile views on religion elsewhere, you ignorant retard.


I've never run across someone who has seen not only every film released last year, but also since the inception of cinema.
You must be very dedicated.

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.



He did not waste the animators time and talents,since the movie is very good and liked by a lot of people.Your opinion isnt universal.


Somewhere a village is missing its idiot.


I'm glad theres some trolling here. I was worried this film's message board would be dead.


im just trolling them very softly lol, but they keep feeding me what can do?


Why don't you seek a therapist. If you can't understand real life and find his movies too depressing, I feel not mad but sorry for you since you think life is all happiness but it isn't and is less exaggerated version of what Charlie Kaufman has shown in this movie and synecdoche. I have a feeling when you become an adult(or act like one instead of insulting people on the internet) you will go down the really depressing road which might lead to suicide. I say suicide because you can't handle real life.

Also you seem to not understand these movies so I would tell you to stop watching them and watch something appropriate for your age.


insults everywhere, noone actually stayed with the topic, just personal insults, shows me your maturity level. and there was nothing in this story not to understand, guys just face the fact that a lot of people did not like this movie. thanx🐸


yeah i was the one insulting people, ok. also since when did everyone say the movie sucks? 97% on rotten tomatoes is bad? getting n92 on metacritic is bad? getting nominated for awards for bast animated movie is bad? then by your logic the last airbender movie is a logic. also i cant be serious with you if you say you hate the movie because it is depressing, please elaborate why the movie sucks because saying the movie is depressing isnt a criticism. ironically you are saying the movie is great by saying it made you sad, if a movie can impact you emotionally then it is a good movie.


your only argument are ratings by so called critics, and metascores, thats what you get for listening to others and not thinking for yourself, and i have explained in my review why i disliked it. try to think for yourself and deliver some arguments why this movie works for you and why you liked it so much , and yes you insulted me earlier i did not forget that, so please dont be offended if cant take you seriously.


i have reasons why i love the movie. i gave you critics score because you said everyone hates the movie. I have made arguments why i love the movie and your stupid reason for hating the movie is jut plain retarded and what i said wasn't an insult but just to say you cant handle reality(Kaufman has shown reality is both his latest works) because you find them depressing(which is true) and hate them for that reason. Guess what people do when they find life too depressing... suicide(which is stupid but whatever) and you are showing the same signs


no you havent understood what i meant earlier because its seems you dont want to. kaufmanns last 2 movies were both horrible, not only because they were depressing because he focuses only on the bad aspects of life which seems to be his main theme in life which i cant agree on , but even if that was the case he is not able to show the real aspects of the dark side of life he is limited to his very small imagination and small amount of experiences in life, his only coping strategy is just resign and drink alcohol being passive, if that is what appeals to you and you get a hard on from that, i guess you are the one who is suicidal. but you know what? i dont wish you that, thats what seperates us both, i dont wish bad things to people- even if they are stranger on the inernet, thats what you never considered. thats what makes you look very immature and as limited in his ability to cope with life hardships like kaufmann. your welcome.


well still that is a really stupid reason to hate those movies but whatever, i till believe what you say is invalid since none of that makes a terrible movie(i mean do they have bad acting, dialogue an these other stuff? no). It seems like you must have one through depression once which is why you hate these films, also these types of films were made a lot in early 20th century. I just believe what you say i extremely stupid and doesnt make any sense since a lot of films were as depressing as this movie and most artists(painters, musicians, play writers, poets, etc.) from pre-1900s made works of art as or even more depressing than this because art is a form of expression and saying the thing an artist has expressed is wrong and i hate the entire thing for that makes me laugh and for that reason we dont have any true artists these days, because of people like you who condemn them for expressing something you don't want/like.

How would you know what is realistic and what isn't? I believe Kaufman shows realistic themes through really deep, clever and somewhat original symbolism and editing techniques and Kaufman's directing and writing techniques make the movies more realistic, i mean like he uses a flawed protagonist, which is believe is very realistic way to portray a character, Kaufman tries to direct the movie as disorganized mess, trying to show how disorganized our lives are, also kaufman explores things never shown in movies before(at least not in the last few decades) and his movies arent supposed to be intend to be depressing or that wasnt his intent and like he says in interviews of synecdoche, he was trying to be honest with something that is part of our life to connect with us(something art is supposed to do), here the key word, "part" so he in no means says the dark side is the main part of life but those are just little parts also synecdoche isn't a lot to do with life but death and death will all ways be depressing, i mean death isn't rainbows so i don't get your BS that it is too depressing(because duh, it is a movie about death and the implications about it), why did you even watch a movie about death and complain it is too depressing?same thing with anomalisa, why did you even watch a movie about a man going through a mid life crisis(which again is just part of your life) and about how mundane our life is and then say it is too depressing, i feels like something a troll would do.

I am sure you will disagree with what I will said because you have your beliefs imprinted in your head and saying stuff like that is like telling muslims, allah isn't real and well they would laugh at me because they have basically been brainwashed and that is the same thing with you(except you aren't laughing at me).

I don't really care for you well being(since you are a strange) and don't wish bad things but the way you were talking about the film in your review, i thought you were one of those people who couldn't cope with life and are probably going to kill themselves.

Just because Kaufman is expressing life's hardships through art doesnt mean he cant cope with life(and because i like it doesnt mean i can either because i love his last two movies because they are great movies, not just because they show life's hardships). he is trying to connect with us by being honest with something we never think about or something that is part of us. Maybe next time kaufman might make a happy movie or less depressing movie like eternal sunshine and adaptation but he wants to express something depressing for a while. I mean there have been directors and writers who have made depressing movies and happy movies so no need to say kaufman cant cope with life because he has made two, just two really depresing movies.

Film is art after all and this depressing type of stuff should and can only be shown through art. One of the reason art was even created is to express life's hardships, I mean a lot of famous artists, especially painters have had hard times before being an artist. the reason they become artists is to show the bad things with the world, our lives and try to fix it by showing it and these artists died a natural death(most of them at least, some of them got killed by people like you, people who hate what they expressing). This is something you learn in primary, cant believe you don't know *beep* about art as a form of expression.

You said the animation was well done and you give the movies a 1 star(the one star being there because you cant give lower) so shouldn't it be a or 3 star? you really don't know how ratings a movie works don't you?

Also based on the number of movies you have given 1s(and these are given to movies that don't even objectively deserve it since they have good acting, directing, dialogue,etc) i really think your opinion is invalid.


you are using way too many words to express something that could be said in 2 sentences, you dont wish me well, because im strange, you have 0 arguments to back your claim, that this movie is good, other than telling me its good. you are as empty as your words are, i wish you well, because im better than you as a human, peace out.


i didnt say i dont wish you well and you never backed your argument why this movie is terrible, so please stop being hypocritical. i know you are saying this because you dont understand what i am talking about and you dont know how to have an actual argument to what i said because like i said, my understanding of art is probably more than yours.


there is nothing to understand ....your logic intellect are so simple a child could understand it. we have different opinions and concepts about art thats all.


umm, i dont know what you are talking about. shows your immaturity again. i am done talking to you since you are just saying random stuff, instead of actually saying something useful which really shows your intelligence so i am not talking to you until you actually tell me why i am wrong instead of acting so immaturely.


its ok no worries m8, you either repeated what i said or what you said earlier, you never came up with something new, all you kept repeating was the movie is good, because its good. thats a repetition, not a valid argument. cheers m8 
