Satellite question

Is this ship capable of shooting down a satellite?





To clarify for those that didn't notice. At one point they stated they were going to shoot down the satellite that was controlling the drone since the drone wasn't showing up on radar. They tracked the signal controlling the drone to the satellite(but can't track it to the drone?). Then they showed a screen clearly showing a satellite in orbit. They were about to fire a missile when the drone hit them and knocked out their main power. So my question is does this type of ship have the capability/missiles to hit a satellite in orbit?

edit: Looks like in 2008 we shot down a satellite from an Aegis ship, it cost $60 million to do with a special missile. So I'm thinking it's highly unlikely they have missiles(or even a targeting system for satellites) aboard the ship.



Before being insulting try watching the episode. They clearly state it's a NORAD satellite and then switch to a targeting monitor that shows a globe surrounded by satellites. I included a screen cap too. Apologies for it being dark as it does that when paused.

And wilsons don't bother replying because you're just a troll who is now blocked since you thought being a jerk was better than having an actual conversation.



Is this ship capable of shooting down a satellite?

Apparently it is , but it is incapable of detecting via radar a drone flying nearby, or certain incoming missiles.

There could literally be a show detailing the technical inaccuracies of this one. For me, it's best to just view it as science fiction and enjoy it.

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-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters
