MovieChat Forums > The Last Ship (2014) Discussion > Chandler can'never become President aft...

Chandler can'never become President after he kill Shaw

I don't blame Chandler for killing Shaw , i would probably do the same thing if i were in his position.

But Chandler had executed an un-arm prisoner without due process .
a liar , adulterer can become a president , but not a murderer .

If Chandler had truthfully reported the incident , President Oliver probably gave him a pardon , but it will be on record .

If Chandler didn't truthfully report the incident ,it will be a cover up , eventually someone will figure it out and become a scandal .

After President Michener's scandal , i don't think the country can afford another Presidential scandal .


Well atm he does not want any leadership position let alone the Presidency and so it is a moot point.

But things change. Could still happen...

"I care about the law. It's justice I don't give a toss about." Cleaver Greene


There has to come a point where Chandler would be in too high a position to be able to go galivanting around and being President would be that position. He needs to be free to run off wherever the writers send him next season. Sort of like Admiral/Captain Kirk a the end of ST IV.


That was the old America.

New America has slightly different rules.

And it would not be hard to put a gun in her hand and to pull the trigger.

Besides, I don't see to many CSI people around....


It's not going to stop Hillary, don't see why it would stop Chandler. But his conscience would stop him anyway.

(I felt you were trying to go this way so I figured I'd get the ball rolling and then get the hell out of the way. Being a Brit I thought I could pull off that trick.)

"Where you headed?"
"Nowhere special."
"Nowhere special. Always wanted to go there."


Not actually sure how that case would get tried. Military tribunal? Criminal court?

Having just learned that she murdered his father and the former president and countless others, and threatened to murder his children, and was in the middle of a plan to murder Chandler himself, it's a likely that the charge from the prosecutor would be voluntary manslaughter, rather than murder.

And also pretty unlikely there would be a conviction. Who wants that?


It will make for an interesting Season 4 with Tom dealing with the fall out of his actions. The man he is,he will face it with honor.

Mind you, who knows how much of a time-jump we'll see this time.


There would not be a trial at all. He would get a Presidential pardon.

"I care about the law. It's justice I don't give a toss about." Cleaver Greene


I dont see Chandler lying about what he did. I dont think how he operates. A good lawyer would probably have a relatively easy case here though and get him of the hook. He had just learned she had murdered his father and watched a close friend die while that treacherous monster was goating him while even moving in on him while she was putting her coat on of wich he didnt know but may have hid some sort of sidearm. A decent lawyer would have a ball with this case.


I don't think where executing Shaw would disqualify anyone from any office.
She was a traitor and mass murderer.
If all what she had done or planned to do was made public, who ever executed her would be seen as a hero.
