Kara wtf?

You have Shaw in your sights and you let her go?


I think her thinking was one of the following:

a) Shaw wasn't posing a direct threat (i.e., pointing a gun at her), so she couldn't shoot her.

b) the priority was getting the president to safety; she couldn't really take the time to take Shaw as a hostage.

Or possibly both. Besides, if she 'took care of' Shaw now, what would we have to look forward to in the finale??



Kara is military and her mission is to get the president to safety. So, I think option B is more likely.

I don't want to see Shaw killed at this point. I'd like to see Shaw and her minions, along with the 4 regional leaders, arrested and brought to trial for treason.



LOL at a trial.

Are we watching the same show?

How many 'bad guys' have made it trial during the three seasons of The Last Ship?

This isn't some pacifist utopian show where the good guys show restraint and capture their enemies so they can get due process and a fair trial. The crew of the Nathan James ALWAYS kill their enemies, usually in fun and interesting ways (Pang getting impaled by a katana for instance). Shaw will be no different. They're just saving her death for the season finale.


That scum reply has been reported

I understand you want to watch ON THE SHOW an actual trial for a change. I think that has potential. It's unlikely though. Please ignore the a-holes


I didn't want her to die yet either, but it was bad writing to not have her at least take a shot. She's military, and that teaches you to adapt and capitalize on tactical advantages. Her not taking a shot was inexplicable. She didn't have time? It takes. 0.17 seconds to pull a trigger.


a) But she was a direct threat, which she proved just seconds after Kara turned the corner by getting on the radio and alerting security. That scene was laughable. There is no way a trained soldier leaves a hostile combatant behind to call for reinforcements.

b) Putting two bullets in her chest before turning the corner wouldn't slow them down in the least.

The ONLY reason she was left alive is plot armor. They needed the character for future episodes. They just couldn't resist doing the whole dramatic Kara-Shaw staredown and said to hell with it.


spot on .
great show though


But she was a direct threat, which she proved just seconds after Kara turned the corner by getting on the radio and alerting security.

By 'direct threat,' I meant that Shaw was not actively firing on anyone, and was, in fact, unarmed. Regardless of what we see on movies and TV shows, I think most military members would have serious hesitation about shooting a) an American, on American soil, and especially b) one who is not armed or otherwise posing an imminent threat.

And yes, regardless of how or why she wasn't shot during that shoot-out, the show had to keep Shaw alive so that she can get her comeuppance in an exciting climax. As I've said before, I'm willing to bet Kara will be the one to deliver that comeuppance.


By 'direct threat,' I meant that Shaw was not actively firing on anyone, and was, in fact, unarmed. Regardless of what we see on movies and TV shows, I think most military members would have serious hesitation about shooting a) an American, on American soil, and especially b) one who is not armed or otherwise posing an imminent threat.

That was what I was thinking at the time, whilst at the same time wishing she would pull the trigger. However, the latter is pretty easy whilst sitting in a lounge chair wholly disconnected from the "reality".

"I care about the law. It's justice I don't give a toss about." Cleaver Greene


The ONLY reason she was left alive is plot armor.

I don't agree completely with this statement.. It is not the ONLY reason. You also the have the classic good-guy complex as a factor here.

Kara believes that she is on the just/right side and she won't bring herself to execute an enemy who isn't being a threat at that exact moment. On the surface, it appears as a weakness for her as Shaw wouldn't hesitate to take her out should she get the chance.

The thinking usually is, 'we cannot let ourselves fall to their level' (i.e. level of the bad guys) however this kind of thinking makes it extra difficult for the good guys to come back around in victory as they are fighting an enemy who doesn't care for the rules.

I believe Kara will revisit this moment, wondering if she did the right thing and then someone from her team will provide that assurance. Also, it would be more satisfying should the show end with the downfall of Shaw and her company..


Neither, Shaw was wearing plot armor. There is no way in hell you don't take that shot.


>>You have Shaw in your sights and you let her go?

I was screaming at the TV, "Kill her! Kill her!!" But no...

I won't be watching this piece of crap show anymore.

It is insulting to its viewers to expect us to believe the BS they are
foisting upon us.

I am done.


>>You have Shaw in your sights and you let her go?

I was screaming at the TV, "Kill her! Kill her!!" But no...

Same here- except it was "Take the shot!" I'll still watch it, especially since Tex is back.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters


I was screaming at the TV, "Kill her! Kill her!!" But no...

I won't be watching this piece of crap show anymore.

Wow, that one brief scene is enough to make you quit watching the show? Okay, then, enjoy your Sunday evenings watching something else. Meanwhile, the rest of us will be enjoying an exciting climax to the season.


Take it easy.. I actually expected that she wouldn't shoot her.. If Kara, had shot Shaw at that moment, she would have lost all the claim to the justice she is fighting for..

Much less, the fact that it might not have done much good.. Shaw is just one of the many heads of the cursed viper.

She would have simply given them all the more reason to put a target on her back and even in the restoration of peace, would still be eligible for trial.

Shaw and company are sold out. They are well aware that what they are doing is absolutely treasonous and they might quite likely meet their deserved fate. Everyone else has to tread carefully.

Its a complex world here..

Trust the show, I believe they will do a good job with what they have left to work with.


Duh....two more episodes in the can to make the 13 required.



I thought she should have shot her but Kara's military training would have prevented her killing an unarmed person, even though no one would never have known.

"I care about the law. It's justice I don't give a toss about." Cleaver Greene



Her training would have led to her eliminating the threat before she could call in for reinforcements. It doesn't matter if she was armed or not. The radio was a MUCH greater threat than a gun would have been.


No. They rarely shoot unarmed people when in such an enclosed area. At that moment she was unarmed. I never expected Kara to shoot.
You're also ignoring their history.


Dude, she was standing a few feet away from an armed dead guy with a radio. She could just have easily picked up the gun, followed them down the hallway, and shot them in the back after they left her. There is no way a trained operator would have just walked away without dealing with her in one way or another. Since they were in a hurry to escape, the obvious way to deal with was a double tap to center mass.


The one person Kara trusted most when Jeffrey was killed? No, their relationship is deeper than that. She's not just going to shoot her like that. This is Kara. Not Slattery. Not Green.


I think she just wants to see her dancing on a rope with all the other traitors and later watch the crows pick the meat of their rotting bodies - shooting her would just not be enough.


Shaw was an unarmed civilian that was, at that precise moment, not a threat to her or the mission. Besides, killing Shaw wouldn't have stopped what was going on.

"Time is the fire in which we burn."



Shaw is the Threat and Kara knew it.

It's not about her being unarmed-she took the president and was holding him hostage and Kara knew it.

This is lousy writing is what it is. They only did this because they aren't through with Shaw in the story-but they could have gave her a gun. I would have believed Shaw would have gotten a gun...then it would have made more sense.

Lousy writing-practically ruined the whole episode-which was otherwise a great episode.



1. Shaw is not a civilian. She is the commander-in-chief of the treason faction. She is a combatant in a combat situation.

2. Unarmed? Not really. Shaw had immediate access to weapons (and communications to armed attackers) on the ground next to her, and was actively pursuing Kara and Oliver with the intent of killing them, after already coordinating a number of murders.

3. Killing Shaw actually would have stopped what is going on. Who's the boss of the secret service agents if she's dead? Who's keeping the regional leaders from invading each other? She is the head of the treason army, and the central figure coordinating the regional leaders.

Rescuing Oliver was priority number one. But eliminating Shaw is priority number two, and it would have cost Kara nothing to finish her on the spot. It would definitely have been faster to fire one more shot than stand there and look into her eyes for a few seconds!


1. Shaw is not a civilian. She is the commander-in-chief of the treason faction. She is a combatant in a combat situation.

2. Unarmed? Not really. Shaw had immediate access to weapons (and communications to armed attackers) on the ground next to her, and was actively pursuing Kara and Oliver with the intent of killing them, after already coordinating a number of murders.

3. Killing Shaw actually would have stopped what is going on. Who's the boss of the secret service agents if she's dead? Who's keeping the regional leaders from invading each other? She is the head of the treason army, and the central figure coordinating the regional leaders.

Rescuing Oliver was priority number one. But eliminating Shaw is priority number two, and it would have cost Kara nothing to finish her on the spot. It would definitely have been faster to fire one more shot than stand there and look into her eyes for a few seconds!

Great points, I agree. Tactically, she should have realized Shaw was going to either grab a weapon and/or radio from the downed agent. The only way to prevent that in a timely manner would be to gank her ASAP.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters


Since when was eliminating Shaw priority number two???? There was one main priority. Interfere with the speech. Included in that was rescuing the President. In no way did they insinuate a target was Shaw. You're making up what you want to see. Those two now-dead rebel gunmen could have shot Shaw if that was the goal. That would have been their first shot.


How about since Kara learned that Shaw killed a bunch of other people, tried to have her killed before, and was trying to have her & Oliver killed at that very moment?


Of course for the story, she needs to be the lead baddie for the final episodes.

However, I think the character of Kara being a no-nonsense, military person would have taken the shot.



It was plot armor, pure and simple.

IMO, they shouldn't have had Shaw in that hallway at all. That would have been the cleaner way to write the scene. But they couldn't resist the cheesy 'staredown' between the two female leads.


I thought it's very clear Kara is in no way a trigger-happy character. She's now a mother, quite emotional, and one of the few who WOULD hesitate to shoot an unarmed person, no matter how evil they are.
You're also ignoring their history.


I think you are being sexist assuming that a female member of the military would fail to follow her training because she is 'a mother and quite emotional'. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt and assuming she would follow her training and eliminate the threat, regardless of her personal feelings or motherly emotions.


lol I hope you are joking. Granderson would have done it. And Garnett. But Kara? Who has basically been a secretary for months now? She is not trigger-happy, period.
And yes emotional.. not my fault you don't care about her storyline with her child and Green. But it has affected her character immensely.
She followed her training. The mission was accomplished.


Ravit would have killed Shaw, most of the Secret Service, a couple regional leaders, and probably a couple of Peng's agents for good measure!


assuming she would follow her training and eliminate the threat,

I think you're forgetting (no, make that 'not taking into account') that trained US military members are pretty much understandably hesitant to shoot fellow American citizens, especially unarmed ones. Keep in mind: at this point, Kara doesn't know anything that Shaw has done, she only suspects. She doesn't know that Michener was killed by Shaw's goons, or know for a fact that Shaw is behind what happened to and on the Nathan James. Again, she might believe it, and suspect it, but she doesn't know for a fact--no proof has been uncovered yet. Now if Shaw had pointed a gun at her, Kara would have had no trouble firing back, but as far as Kara knew AT THAT MOMENT, rescuing President Oliver was the primary objective.
