MovieChat Forums > The Last Ship (2014) Discussion > Where Would the Nathan James go next sea...

Where Would the Nathan James go next season ?

The ship has been to the Arctic ,Europe ( close enough to see France got Nuke ) ,Cuba , South America, American 's Mississippi River,North to South East Asia .

Where would the Nathan James go ?
Africa, Australia ,Revisit Europe ,Asia or South America

Someone kidnaps the crew again and Chandler return to save them again


Africa could be cool but could face criticism on how they depict the people and the continent.


They should retake the U.K from the immune fanatics the Ramsay's presumably left in charge. They can also get themselves another astute class submarine there too, it would have solved a lot of problems to have had a crew sneak around in one of those instead of the Nathan James, despite its apparent invincibility. (took a heavy torpedo direct hit wit little damage, and now a missile too)


Hawaii. What's happening there I wonder.


My guess it will be Africa after a insane warlord takes over and they have to drag Cap'n Chandler back from the grave to stop the human carnage as he expands his empire.


The world really is a big place like the Captain said. The cure is working despite Peng's efforts. Maybe hit the large islands and continents where human contact to spread the cure isn't as easy. Not sure what the next huge conflict will be, but I'm guessing it'll an area with a denser population and oppression. Nathan James really can't police the entire world, but there is a lot of territory out there just waiting to be taken.
