Question: The Greens

Not sure if I missed it but did they say Danny & Kara are now divorced after the time jump or is she just keeping some distance because he is showing signs of PTSD?


I was wondering this too. They certainly haven't made it clear.

She said something like 'you need to come and see him' (their son). They must be separated.


Well the last episode made it clear they are separated. But when he made that speech I thought for sure that was it: He's going to die.
Didn't expect to see it happen to Burke though. He was the one person I was sure was going to make it. I guess Jocko Sims had to leave early to start filming New Amsterdam.


That was such a weird death. Does the US Navy not have body armour? I appreciate it was a waterborne mission so they might not want to be swimming with heavy ballistic plates but you can get very lightweight ones now that even float. Even without a hard plate, soft armour like Aramid/Kevlar would stop a harpoon.


I thought Kevlar was ineffective against knives and stabbing weapons. Something about the blade sliding between the fibers I think?


Depends on the type I think. Straight up Kevlar would be defeated I guess but it depends on the makeup of the armour and how much energy the stabby weapon could deliver.

I suppose the US Navy wouldn't be using multi threat armour so perhaps it's less silly than I initially thought. It looked fairly centre mass so would have been caught by a plate but could have been more to the side I guess.
