That's it???

I'm sorry what a sorry ass finale for a epilogue, no finding out what happened to the country, the people who survived..they could have had a "5 years later" segment explaining what the USA was like, how everyone who survived was doing and then did the "salute to the dead" afterward....

Lame way to finish a series.


Well, they've beaten the rebels, many people died along the way, peace at last, rebuilding everything back from scratch like most of the other seasons. Just need to use a bit of imagination. With such a grand ending battle it tried to make it out to be, this may be the final season for this show.

The salute to the dead thing were sort of in his memory lapse when the Nathan James went down and it showed all the gathered dead in the 'afterlife' taking the watch in his place. What bothers me the most is how the damn sinking Nathan James just went full ram on the battleship without the ship noticing or firing off to finish it. Just more lazy writing.


Yeah I noticed that too, Nathan James going at a battleship but it never fires back?? Lame!
