MovieChat Forums > Wentworth (2013) Discussion > So let's assume Bea is really dead..

So let's assume Bea is really dead..

This isn't a Bea is alive or not thread but a thread to imagine how the show goes on without her. Okay so who is the main character? Ferguson? Pamela Rabe is the only actress good enough to carry the show, she's the solid scene-stealer (I am tired of Ferguson just speaking of the actress) and what is the plot? The other character's "adjusting" to Bea's death, new characters introduced. Ferguson's trial for Bea's murder? She should go in protection again or she'd be murdered as soon as she walks in Wentworth again.
But the show still needs a likeable protagonist we can root for... Franky but she's outside so her screentime is limited to be a main character, they'd have to put her back in prison, that way she can be on the show all the time.

So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


Joan as the central character would not work. They have made her too evil, too irredeemable. I know shows have been centred around villains before, very successfully, but I don't think this is that show, or that Joan is that character. They sure as hell cannot subject us to another season with her as a prisoner in Wentworth. Not only would it be tedious, it would be super ridiculously unbelievable. The women would lynch her within 5 minutes once they find out what she did to Bea. They'd have to put her back in protection full time and where is the drama in that? IMO, they should've had Bea and Joan kill each and put an end to it. For me the character is spent, there is nowhere else to go with her except down.

I also don't see NdS returning full time. I think if that was going to happen they'd have had Franky sprung with the gun and arrested in the season finale. The thought of Franky being back for good might've softened the blow soemwhat for some viewers who were upset about what happened to Bea. I think is she returns at all, it'll still be in a limited role.

Surely the new protagonist cannot be Kaz! I can see people switching off in droves if that's the case, lol. Guess it could be Allie. They obviously kept her alive for a reason. When you think about it, her story somewhat parallels Bea's in that they both suffered a heartbreaking loss at the end of their first season in the show and now Allie will probably be after Ferguson's blood and so the vengeance baton will have been passed onto another character.

Sonia will obviously be a big player but it's hard to work out who she will butt heads with. Sonia vs. Kaz doesn't quite have the same appeal as Queen Bea vs. the Freak, does it?

Feed me a stray cat


No way Allie nor the actress can't carry the show. What about Vera? She is the Governor, she gets a lot of screen-time per episode and she's been around since the start, she is not an inmate but there's no inmate to carry the show...
Unless it'd be more of an ensemble cast deal, there's no main (save for the opening credits, they keep the same order just adding the newbies and removing Danielle).

So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


Do you feel the show doesn't work without a main character?


I'm not a fan of shows with rotating storylines with different characters, or all happening at once... And well someone has to at least appear first in the opening credits, who appears first after Danielle?

So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


I assume it was NdS before this season. I didn't notice who was second-billed this year. Lemme check...

It was Kate Atkinson (Vera). Kind of impressive considering she, bizarrely, was not listed in the main credits in seasons 1-3.

Surely Sigrid Thornton (Sonia) will be bumped up from guest star to main next year so perhaps she'll get the top billing honors? Doesn't really feel earned yet though. Guess the logical choice is Pamela Rabe. The Freak replacing Bea as the show's leading name would not amuse me though, lol.

Feed me a stray cat


Much deserved.. she's been around since day one and now has one of the most important characters being The Governor. Think it'd make sense if she the new main (if Danielle really is gone).
Btw is the season 4 opening somewhere to watch? I'd like to see the current order.
So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


It's on Netflix.


I see.


I don't believe any of the other actors can carry the show like Cormack. Rabe is great, but the Ferguson storyline is old. There's only so much of the same antagonist you can take. She needed to be dealt with this season. There's a reason why they had Allie wake up. She's going to be a main focal point next season dealing with Bea's death. Jenko was amazing this season, but it was her chemistry with Dan that made her character great. Kaz IMO is the most annoying character that's been on the show. I'm not going to deny the actress is good, but I hate looking at her face. There's the Liz/Sonia storyline, but to me that was always interesting as a side plot. People keep talking about Sonia becoming this huge main character, but I liked how they had her in S4. Is Max & Boomer going to do what they always do? Protect Kaz now? Kaz has suddenly had a change of heart after what happened to Allie? Passing the torch to Kaz is laughable. Is she even liked by the fans; cause I can't stand her. How the hell can Vera keep her job at this point? Will has to be in the dog house, too. And as much as I started liking Franky in S3, she's best as Bea's sidekick. I'm pissed that we didn't get more Branky working together. It was short lived. And I don't see Franky coming back because it seemed like the actress was preparing to leave the show. Her back in prison is just stupid. Who will be the main villain? Them trying to take Joan down for a 4th season in a row is just dumb.

Sorry, but the show made a huge mistake in axing Danielle. I don't care what anyone says. She IS Wentworth. I'll most likely check out 5x01 to see the direction the show chose to go in, but I can't see myself watching without Bea. It was way too early to kill her off & go for the shock factor. I'm really surprised they chose to do so when the show has become so popular. I'm sure people will continue to watch, but the show won't ever be the same. So many characters became who they were because of Bea.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"


Well someone has to step up...
No Kaz is not a really loved character but some fans like her so she's not completely hated, agreed her and Bea acting like mates that last scene made me cringe, too bad Maxine is dealing with cancer otherwise she'd be a much better top dog than this rabid dog...
Yeah Vera fvcked up bigger than ever, questions will be made, one officer let Bea out there is no way anyone will believe Bea made it that far on her own, yeah she escaped once on her own but it was a different situation, the timing is very suspicious, this (without the things we know, pretending we are not the audience but the characters on the show) looks like an officer let Bea go and take out Ferguson and instead she killed her. Vera has to get rid of any possible footage escorting Bea before anyone finds it or she's fvcked. This part actually interests me, how she deals with it, also Sonia, that scene! She's creepy.
As for Mr. Jackson he's been suspended before, even suspect of a murder so this pales in comparison, he is under investigation but they won't find anything because there is nothing to find other than he is consuming, also Bea told Vera it was Ferguson, she knows not only he wouldn't do that but especially never for Ferguson.

So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


We don't know if she's really gone though. Lol. Seriously, we don't.


Re-read my op, this thread is to imagine how the show would be without her who would be the main etc not to debate if she is dead or alive there is plenty of these in the main page.

So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


I feel the same way, crazygreeen. I still can't quite believe they did this to Bea and especially the way they did it. Sigh. Like you, I will watch 5x01 to see how they pay tribute to her and then I will probably check out. If there is a big time jump like previous seasons and they gloss over her death I'll be really annoyed. I want to see the characters being told the news and them grieving and paying homage to her. When they killed Bea off in Prisoner, they did a whole episode dedicated to her, with characters sharing their memories and showing flashbacks of her most memorable moments. I don't expect we'll get a full episode of Wentworth episode focused entirely on her, but I want her loss to be really heavily felt by everyone. The character deserves that much.

As for Allie, if they wanted to groom her as the new lead, they really should've done a better job of establishing her as a character in her own right, and not just an extension of Bea. Because that's really all she was all season. Who else did she even interact with, apart from Bea and Kaz?

Feed me a stray cat


I think they did a good job at showcasing Allie's personality though. Ballie's build up was slowly paced. It made sense that she couldn't interact with the other characters too much because they were forbidden at that point. They could've done some flash back scenes of her past like they did with Kaz though. I don't think she'll be the "lead", but I do think she'll be a very big part of next seasons storyline. It only makes sense. We did see her fall apart without Bea, but that's also because she thought Bea hated her. Now she knows Bea loved her back, so she might come back stronger with a purpose. I personally was really impressed with Jenko's acting this season. They showed her with a little spunk, jealousy, humorous, sweet, sad, angry, caring, high, loving. She did a lot with that character in such little time with such little interaction with others.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"


THIS POST SAYS IT ALL. It was very bold of them to kill of Bea when Danielle is the glue that holds this whole ensemble together. I hope they can prove us wrong though about it being the wrong call. I mean I was bummed about Frankie not being there for most of last season but it turned out to be the best season yet, I would say. These writers are full of surprises. And I agree Pamela Rabe is the only other actress who could carry the show but she is too much of a villiain.. I guess they will have someone new in as protagonist. I can't imagine getting behind a character the way I did behind Bea... since the very first episode. Danielle Cormack is mindblowingly talented.


I don't think they will have anyone step up as the main character, if not Franky returns to prison (hope not, I need someone to do well). I think they want this to be more of an ensemble show now. The producers probably think that this way it can live on longer and not depend on one character. The problem is, they built this show around Bea and her experience and they have not done a good job replacing her with someone else.

Franky being put on the back burner for S4 worked because Bea was still around, but I'm not sure how interesting the show will be without the two best developed and engaging characters. People will probably tune in at the beginning of season five, but will they stick around?


Agreed and I have the same concerns...

So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


After Danielle Cormack, Pamela Rabe has the most screen time but Ferguson is a villain and I think she'll stay as a second biggest character. But they need a new 'good guy'. Kaz is not so likable, Allie's not charismatic enough and like someone said, they didn't establish her to stand on her own. They could bring someone new. It would be a little risky since they don't know how'll the audience react, but it's possible.

I also have a feeling that some other characters won't be returning. Doreen'll likely be transferred to another prison to be closer to Joshua and if she testifies against Sonia, Liz'll be a free woman. I don't see Bridget coming back either.



Well, I reckon the only way they can go if Bea is dead, is with Franky as the main good girl. They'll have to get her back in prison or something. Maybe she'll get wrongly accused and end up back in, then something happens inside to extend her sentence. That would make us sympathise and root for her. I can't see Bea surviving all them stabs, unless she's Michael Myers like


Wentworth started off with a villainess top dog (Jacks Holt). The show wasn't built around Bea Smith....

If it has Prisoner to have guidance it can and will go on to still be a great show.

Here is a clip of all the Top Dogs of Prisoner. Most of them were villains. But the longer lasting ones were the heroines. We may have 1 season of Sonia Stevens as top dog ruling as a villain, while the good characters are held down, then that makes way for a great new heroine to come into the show.

Even if Franky comes back into Wentworth, I doubt she'll be able to control Sonia.

Some of the Top Dogs were even weak old women who were major gang leaders before coming into prison.

There is still loads of stories left to be told and rehashed from Prisoner before it goes off the rails. If it doesn't follow the footsteps of Prisoner then it will be doomed because that is its main premise... Has been from the start

Buffy Lives


Just because Jac's was the first villain when Bea got there doesn't mean the show wasn't built around Bea. Because it was. She's the first character we see. The entire story starts with why she's ending up in jail with all these people. She's the lead. Everything revolved around her. The entire series is featured on her storyline. There have been multiple antagonists. She's been the main protagonist.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"


If Bea is the only reason you watched the show, you must have the type of clingy personality... Can't see anything else around what you want to see....

In short narrow minded.

Buffy Lives


You are a complete moron. If someone watches a show for the main protagonist, you deduct they "must have the type of clingy personality"? What an idiot. Most of the viewers watched for Bea. In fact the show is loosely all from HER point of view and her life in prison. She is always at the center of all the action. So for you to come in barking as if Bea was some side-piece character....IDIOT!


You are say8ng that you rely on the shows protagonist. You think the show evolves around the protagonist. It doesn't. It evolves around the prison IDIOT!!!! Narrow minded IDIOT!!!!..

No wonder today's television shows are always evolved around one person and they can't continue without that person. Because people can't put in their minds that a show can be drama filled without a protagonist.... Or can change its protagonist.

Look at "Breaking Bad" one of the most successful shows of this time and could not continue without Walter White.

If someone watches a show just because of the protagonist, but not the content it it portraying then you are putting the show in a pigeon hole.. YOU are putting the show in a pigeon hole fo9r your own narrow mindedness....

And so I'm now presuming you don't like a show unless they have a protagonist??? Orange is the new black doesn't have a protagonist, but it is hugely popular.... Well, Piper is supposed to be the protagonist, but her role has virtually diminished in the last couple of seasons. It could do just as well without her.

Bad Girls never had a protagonist, and it went for 8 seasons very well...

The show Call the Midwife is an amazing show. It lost its protagonist after 3 seasons and still going, coming out with its 6th season soon without a protagonist and it is still just as amazing.

How could I be the idiot, if I can follow a show and not rely on a single character (protagonist or not) to enjoy it?

Buffy Lives


Mr. Gordo you just summed up how shows are different for different purposes but you're calling people idiots. Different people like different shows for different reasons. Also you just confirmed everything wrong with Wentworth. Can't you see the show is centered around Bea and that they do not have enough characters in it so we the viewers have to rely on her alone? If they want it to go on further they need more characters, like OITNB has more characters, but they did nothing good with OITNB in that sense.

All shows are not meant to run the same way. With Breaking Bad there was an end in mind from the beginning. It was not meant to go on after Walter's death. What are you talking about? However, with Wentworth they have geared the show up to be around Bea Smith like Breaking Bad was around Walter White so now that she is dead then it seems the downfall of the show. If Franky who was my favourite character had died, I would have still watched the show because they made the show about Bea.

If Wentworth wanted the show to evolve around the prison then they should have taken some pointers from Game of Thrones which evolves around the throne and not any particular character. Don't get me wrong, the characters are significant just not one more than the other. What is game of thrones about? the characters fighting for a throne. That will never end. the show will go on no matter who dies. Breaking bad is about walter, not the drug industry. he is dead and the show does not need to go on because it was about him. What is Wentworth about? Not wentworth but bea smith and if she is dead what do you think?


You are a complete moron. If someone watches a show for the main protagonist, you deduct they "must have the type of clingy personality"? What an idiot. Most of the viewers watched for Bea. In fact the show is loosely all from HER point of view and her life in prison. She is always at the center of all the action. So for you to come in barking as if Bea was some side-piece character....IDIOT!

Thanks for laying down some simple logic for me. lol For a lot of people Bea is Wentworth. Everything about the show is centered on her. It's unlike a lot of shows. A lot of the other characters became who they are because of Bea's journey. That's what the whole show was about. It doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the other characters, but everything this show has become is because of Bea & Danielle Cormack. That's kind of what happens when a show is literally centered around one characters journey for 4 whole seasons & how others react & grow because of them. With Bea dead, it's not the same show because Bea's journey is over. The only thing that's the same is that it's a show about women in prison.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"


Mr. Gordo is getting mixed up between ensemble shows and shows with a protagonist with fleshed out supporting characters, there's quite a big difference; in an ensemble show it's about everyone's journeys and everyone equally important, in a show with a protagonist it's about that character's journey, the other characters add to it and have their own stories but they don't hold the same importance.
Breaking Bad is about Walter White (even if there is Jesse Pinkman) The Walking Dead is about Rick Grimes (even if there is Daryl Dixon) etc then there's the two protagonist-deal that if one is missing the show kind of wouldn't work; Prison Break is about Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows, Hannibal despite the name is about Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham, you could go on without Lincoln or Will for sure but it doesn't quite work because everything revolves around the dynamic of the two mains.
And then finally the ensemble cast deal when there is not a defined protagonist kind of like Misfits (you could argue Iwan Rheon was the main but everyone was a protagonist, when he left it continued even when the entire original cast left it continued of course the show fell apart having very weak replacement characters).
Now finally Wentworth is NOT an ensemble show, that's like saying The Walking Dead is an ensemble show just because the supporting characters and villains have their storylines and importance it doesn't make it an ensemble show, it's all about Rick Grimes just like Wentworth is all about Bea Smith, it's not being clingy or narrow minded or that you watch only for the protagonist is that it's their *beep* journey and show since day one and without them it'd feel like a car without wheels. Surely now this has to change in Wentworth (it could finally become an ensemble deal or they get another protagonist) and TWD could also go on without Rick if one day they decide to kill him off, but TWD as crappy as the writing is has several characters that can take over Rick (especially Daryl) Wentworth? Not so much, the only character that is arguably more popular than Bea herself is outside so this is very limiting, no one else has an strong enough character to hold the protagonist spot (but my money is on Vera or ensemble deal).
So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


Exactly. I don't know how anyone who watches this show can act like it's not about Bea Smith. It has nothing to do with being clingy. lol That didn't even make any sense. Everything thing is centered around Bea. Everyone else is just a side piece who fit into Bea's storyline.

Vera is not a character that can hold the main protagonist role IMO. She's just not interesting enough & her character is too weak. She's not written for that role.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"


Indeed. As for Vera maybe season 5 is when she becomes more like Prisoner's Vera, when she finds out the truth about Jake, it will change her, she will be hardened and cold. She will never trust anyone again, good-bye naive Vera, I think that's what this subplot is about. People think it's about Jake sitting in her throne but now that I think it through it's probably a plot device to make Vera stronger and own up to her nickname... She can always blackmail Channing to keep her in the chair, if anything goes south she has that card under her sleeve. She fought so hard for this job she will fight to keep it, I doubt they finally made her Governor to take it away the next season. Jake either gets caught or winds up dead (killed) you know how it ends for drug dealers and it happened to a prisoner character, he makes so many mistakes already it seems he will get that fate.

So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


LOL, when someone simply explains why you are wrong ( you completely ignored their point, mind you ) they have a clingy personality and are narrow minded? Oh dear. 
Of course this show is ( was ) mainly centred around Bea. It's even in most descriptions for this show, jeez.


Dude THIS show is and has always been about Bea Smith. lol It opened, S1E1, with her situation at home and her ride to the prison, her checkin, her freakout and it ended with her. Everyone else of note has a relationship of some relevance to Bea... either an antagonist, a villain, a crew member, a rival crew member, a guard or governor. Its an ensemble cast and everyone has their own stories but it all centers around Bea Smith's world.

Jacs was in the slot when she first got there and Franky had taken over for the time being.


Haha, right? I guess we're all just "clingy" then.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"


Apparently, and there's a good reason for that. ;)


Well, I reckon the only way they can go if Bea is dead, is with Franky as the main good girl. They'll have to get her back in prison or something. Maybe she'll get wrongly accused and end up back in, then something happens inside to extend her sentence. That would make us sympathise and root for her. I can't see Bea surviving all them stabs, unless she's Michael Myers like

So then give Franky the same story as Bea then? End up in prison which Bea should have gotten off on self defense. Something in prison happened where Bea killed Jacs and her sentence was extended. We sympathize with Bea, love her and root for her. So Franky is the new Bea then? No I don't think that will work. Franky has been there, done that. She has nothing much more to offer. Bea has so many things to do. So independent of everyone else which is so important in a show. They needed more characters with stronger stories.


Proctor was being set up to be the main character


Proctor is a crazy bitch, too unlikeable. It has to be Vera, she runs the prison and been around since day 1, no one deserves to be main more than her. Plus we don't completely hate her.

So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


I think Kate Atkinson (Vera) may get top billing, possibly Rabe. But I think they're going to try and make Allie Bea's protagonist replacement. I think they will use Kaz as the main antagonist to help her carry the dramatic load, and they may go after Ferguson together. Both for their own personal reasons.

I watched the Lady Parts Vlog Kate Jenkinson interview and I couldn't help but think to myself "this chick just stole Dan's gig". lol I think the show has screwed up big time with this move. They're taking Cormack for granted (STILL PIZZED ABOUT THIS). She's carried so much of the dramatic weight on that show, whether in a scene with others or alone. But she does it in a way that makes everyone look good. I think Jenkinson is a decent actress and the Bea/Allie chemistry was phenomenal, but IMO Cormack's presence flattered her. She's really not that great of an actress to me, certainly not good enough to replace Cormack. Unless they've got some diversionary tricks up their sleeve the audience is going to notice a huge void right away next season.


Yeah Kate Akinson already appears right after Danielle Cormack, okay so she's not Danielle but she's solid enough and being Governor and an original character that's good enough to get top billing.
But indeed Kate Jenkinson (their names are similar lol) will have a big presence for sure, won't surprise me if she appears right after Celia (I think she's currently the third in the opening credits) but they won't put Kate #2 before these two or Pamela Rabe. I think ideally Rabe should be the main, she outdid Danielle Cormack (who's fantastic but Rabe is just terrific even if her character got old) she almost stole her show when she was in it, lol, kind of became The Ferguson show, even in the promotional stuff Ferguson is the center when before it was Bea being the main she always was in the center, but in a few posters it's Ferguson or she's highlighted in a way that makes her look like the central character even if it's Bea. But she shouldn't be because she is the villain, but she does have quite her following so technically they could, and everyone loves Pamela Rabe! The cast and crew she's the one always getting the most praise and admiration, I think that's why the writers don't want to let go off The Freak.

So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


Rabe is great but kinda one note. I give Cormack the edge because she has more to do and has to cover a greater range of emotions.


Pamela Rabe one note? No way, there's a reason she gets so much praise. A character like hers, it's not easy to play, precisely because Joan Ferguson is so collected most of the time doing this horrible things she's still terrifying and that is more difficult to play than an emotional character. If you are a good enough actor you can display emotions just fine, but if you have to play a character with hardly any emotions that's the real deal, you have to be excellent to shine when your character is that way, a worse actor wouldn't be impressive at all.
There are times where she slips (especially in 3 when everyone is against her and her downfall is on its way) and she shines in both, when she is collected and quiet and when she is not. So even if I am tired of Ferguson too, Rabe is the best actress. Danielle is fantastic displaying emotions she's very real but I doubt she could pull off a character like The Freak.

So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


And here is the promotional thing I was telling you, in the season 1 stuff Bea is always the front and center (usually with Jacs and Franky next to her)
After that Ferguson is the center and they usually kick Bea to the side
Even in this group one Ferguson is more in the front and stands out more than Bea even if she is kinda in the center
Surely I can't be the only one bothered by this? Lol, it's like they want Ferguson to look like the central character, Bea should have remained front and center like season 1 things. The only time Bea is both front and center is when Ferguson is NOT in the picture like this one
And now she has outlived her you can imagine how the s5 pictures will be and the show probably will be even more Ferguson-heavy as well.
Sorry if some links break I'm linking pictures from google not a proper image hosting.
So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


Alice, Imma tell ya girl. I know how you feel but my story right now is that Bea will live (and I'm stickin to it). ;)

I was supposed to "let go" of Wentworth this weekend and get on with my life (haha), but I am really vexed about this "Bea is dead" mess. I saw the Kate Jenko interview and I wanted to slap her. She didn't even look like she believed half the crap she was trying to sell. Have you seen it?

My guess right now if I gleaned correctly from all I've consumed recently is that Bea will live but she may be comatose for the season. If the show has benched her its a travesty. There will be a huge void to fill. I wont be watching because I dread where they may be trying to take some things and Cormack doesnt deserve it.


I won't take it away from you if you want to believe she is alive, I am no one to force you to believe she is dead. You have your opinion.
But for me in my opinion, they want it to be like Prisoner (even if Prisoner didn't plan it) and they want to prove like Prisoner the show goes on without Bea. The show would lose a huge amount of credibily if she survives that, they already pushed it enough with two fake outs a third in a row? too much. Anyway the thread isn't about that, it's about assuming she's dead and who would take over her as a protagonist or if it becomes an ensemble show.

So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.



Uhm, Jenko looked totally genuine. What are you talking about? You could tell she was clearly against the decision to kill off Bea & she tried giving her opinion on it while trying to remain respectful to her bosses. But you could see in her eyes & her entire demeanor that she's not happy about it. So many people said the exact same thing after watching that interview, so I'm not sure what you were seeing.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"


Following what you said - let's assume Bea is really dead. The reason given by the masterminds of the show for writing Bea out is that they don't want her to become boring and she wants to leave on a high. But if she is dead and leaves on a high, the show is going to be there on a low, so to speak. The show is going to be a little boring to begin with and it will be difficult to hold a viewer's interest because of the same reasons you said that the characters are not strong enough. None of them were properly groomed to hold enough interest. Without Bea and if Franky returns, the show can even become redundant. Franky was there already, she fought and fought and now she is out of prison. Why bring her back to do the same things again? That would be boring.
Honestly I cannot stand the character Kaz. She does not add any value to the show. She does not have any clear or compelling motives. only hate drives her for no realistic reasons, more like silly temper tantrums. Why should viewers really care and invest in Kaz? Boomer is a puppy and a follower she is not a leader. Liz, Doreen, Maxine, Allie and the rest are just supporters and not main characters and I don't think they have enough to develop into that. So what now? They bring in new members and a new main character and expect viewers to be drawn in because that main character will be instantly more beloved than Bea Smith? That is something you need to develop just like I liked Franky more than Bea but then come season 2 and 3 it was Bea for me. Now if they developed Kaz better or someone else, I wouldn't mind if Bea died. I would have something to look forward to. This is simple common sense and logic. The series would have ended on a high and continued. But not if Bea Smith is dead.


The new additions were horrible, Kaz Proctor and the Red Right Hand (I know she was in season 3 but made brief appearances) Jake Stewart runner up for worst character. The only one that is more or less decent is Sonia Stevens. But I want Jake and Kaz and the crappy RRH gone ASAP, especially Kaz she wasn't even in Prisoner, at least Jake was.
Good point they failed to establish a presence strong enough to be the new main, ideally it'd be Franky BUT they'd have to kick her back in and that'd be repetitive.. by default I think the new main would be Vera even if she's a screw..
Or just make it ensemble, no main anymore.

So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


If Bea is really dead (Which I hope not), why not introduce some more characters from the original show in leading roles with in depth flashbacks given to each character as they did for Bea, Doreen, Franky etc in season 1.

Rita Connors was a biker who became Top Dog introducing her to go up against the Freak could be compelling viewing as she was just as ferocious as Queen Bea, I’d also love to see Judy Bryant, Reb Keane and Chrissie Latham included in the show, there was also Jock Stewart, a male version of the Freak from the original show too I’d love to see come into it in later seasons.

In the original he preceded Ferguson but was a nasty piece of work much like her.

Anyone but Kaz.


Agreed, I think bringing in some new (old) characters is the way to go. There's no-one in the existing cast who has the gravitas to carry the show as the main character. If they were to bring in someone like Jude or Reb, then we'd get a new backstory with someone we can root for, whilst still retaining the existing supporting characters who we already know.

Presumably Kaz is going to be Top Dog for a while but watching the newbie's ascension to Top Dog will make it interesting again - see how she gets in with the crowd and manages to topple Kaz. The only other option for Top Dog I can see is Sonia Stephens - I reckon she could become quite an interesting character and one with hidden secrets.

We perhaps need a bit more intrigue in the storylines too - I remember in the original they had a guard who was really nice and got friendly with the inmates and started helping them escape...only it turned out in the end he was a nutter and was bumping them all off!

Some more interesting guards would be good too - I like the addition of Jake Stewart in S4 (although I miss Fletch) but I'm bored with Will Jackson now. We need some new tough screws.


made this thread on reddit and i have more scars than Matthew Fletcher trying to cross the street. i thought it would be interesting to see it more from Vera's pov. Also Liz as the 'prison mom' to so many people now with Sonia to deal w/
