Buzz off Bea

She's such a bad top dog imo and not a great actress. The latest episode highlighted her weaknesses - Dithering, miserable, uncharismatic and unconvincing. Why was she pursuaded to attack Ferguson surely it's obvious she would end up in solitary all her life or another prison. Why did she need a knife is she's supposed to be so tough? And after all that why did she change her mind? The original Bea was brash, funny, intelligent and looked tough. It's time to send daft Bea to another jail or a grave (she peaked in series 2). And while we're at it Maxine is boring (and can't act) and what's the point of Liz now? And that new girl who fancies Bea is so boring so far I don't even know her name. Get rid of them all as this series is starting to feel like it's jumping the shark.


Since Wentworth became the Ferguson Show, they have to make everyone act like idiots just to let Ferguson ensnare them. They keep telling us she's so smart but they can't figure out ways to make her seem smart so they settled for everyone else being stupid.

She was just a control freak with a thug doing her bidding in the previous seasons. Now she's supposed to be Hannibal Lecter but she ain't cutting it.

As for Bea, and the rest of the show, they're going to have to step up or I'm done.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


As for Bea, and the rest of the show, they're going to have to step up or I'm done.

Hopefully they won't step up then, and we can be spared your whining posts.


Ok so Bea acted tough and decisive in the latest episode. Maybe there's hope for her character.


i'll agree its unconvincing to see a prison top dog not be in control of the drug trade.


They ruined her character. Almost everyone is acting strange this season.

#The X-Files #Breaking Bad #Lost #Hannibal #Fringe #River #Utopia #Twin Peaks


Agree about Allie and Liz, they are basically filler, same as Frankie's ex gf.
Disagree about Bea she's the heart of the show and the actress does great and I quite like Maxine.

The universe isn’t evil, John, it’s just indifferent.


Bump you got your wish, mate! 

So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


You lost me at not a good actress.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"


You lost me at not a good actress.

Same! OP sounds like nothing more than a bitter PCBH fan.
