Maxine and Fletch

I'm re-watching season 2 and it reminds me of how I thought that something would happen between Maxine and Fletch. I mean he'd been uncomfortable with her from the start and the scene where he asked her to move the table really shows some tension. I was definitely expecting for more, a love-hate relationship even.

Anyway I really like Maxine so I'm hoping they're not gonna kill her off. The way she's neglecting her health to be top dog sure seems dangerous.


Really? For me he seemed transphobic, sure he was an ass to most of people but with her he was especially rude.

The universe isn’t evil, John, it’s just indifferent.


You know how many LGBT storyline start with a LGBT character and a really LGBT-phobic one? That's what I'm talking about.


I suppose but it never went beyond his transphobia.
So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.
